front prop. against Italy, see Italian Front
front prop. against Russia, see Eastern
national councils created in, 325, 352,
353, 424
official history of the war see
garns letzter Krieg
patriotism in, see patriotism
postwar myth about Entente prop., 8±9,
14, 257, 263, 444
propaganda coordination in, 42, 413±14
propaganda smuggled into via
Switzerland, 175±6, 205, 260, 262,
285, 365, 367
role of prop. in collapse of AH, 6, 8, 12,
421, 442±4
and separate peace with West, 119, 183,
217, 220±1, 222
strikes in, 91, 154, 257, 365, 366
subordination to Germany, 31, 217, 222,
279±80, 344, 349, 351, 362±3, 367
War Ministry, 19, 27, 273, 284, 371, 410
war weariness in, 28, 60, 268, 413
war zones in, 18±19, 23
AH airforce
and inferiority in air warfare, 86, 101±2,
150, 289±90, 372, 406
and resistance to spreading prop., 85±6,
107, 209
AH army, 30±5, 305±6, 405±6
Regiments: BHIR 1, 131, 134; BHIR2, 428;
BHIR8, 381±2; SchR9, 145; SchR12,
147; FAR13, 383; IR21, 230; IR25,
64±5; HIR25, 290ff; HIR26, 290ff;
IR28, 32, 378; HIR28, 294; HIR33,
297; IR36, 32; IR50, 236; IR56, 230;
IR75, 52, 376; IR88, 402; IR113,
376±7; IR116, 316
Divisions: lst, 344; 6th, 410; 6KD, 378;
10th, 280±1, 329; 12th, 230, 329±30;
12thSch, 410; 18th, 131, 134, 283;
19th, 52; 22ndSch, 95; 26thSch, 145,
147, 233±5, 255, 290; 35th, 344,
423, 431; 36th, 295, 402; 42HID, see
Croats; 48th, 278; 54thSch, 272
Corps: I, 95, 264; II, 276; VII, 406±7; XIV,
94; XV, 406; XX, 85, 407; XXIV, 413
Armies: 2nd army, 46, 51; 6th army, 82,
93, 109, 281, 307, 308, 409; 10th
army, 82, 85, 93±4, 264, 281±2, 372,
384, 386, 416, 422; 11th army, 82,
95±6, 282±3, 289ff, 308, 406, 408,
Index 467
416, 422;
Isonzo army (KISA), 82,
85, 93, 97, 280±1, 307, 308, 376,
412, 416
`civilians in arms', 31, 35, 274
desertions, see desertions
discipline, 34, 37, 268±9, 275, 281, 378,
402, 407, 409
disintegration of, 405±6, 408±9, 412±13,
421, 426
losses, 31, 105, 288, 297±8, 343,
363, 406
manpower problems, 31, 65, 84, 277,
286, 288, 296±7, 406
material conditions, 31, 33, 35, 145, 278,
280±3, 289±90, 295, 313, 406±7, 412
morale in, see morale
patriotic instruction in, see
reorganization (1917), 35, 192
revolts in, 262, 265, 270, 276, 287,
298±9, 305, 311, 406, 409, 426
stereotyping of nationalities, 32±5,
133, 428
on Western Front, 193, 344, 423
AH military Intelligence, 6, 9, 66, 92,
122, 205
and Allied prop., 258±62, 263±4, 267
defence against Bolshevism, 60, 269
on Eastern Front, 44, 53, 55, 62, 417
organization, 60, 72
takes over prop. against Italy, 417
see also Ronge
AH navy, 153, 252, 257, 276, 367, 372
spreads AH prop., 81, 106
Az Est, 363
Babec, Florijan,
Baden (base of AOK), 30
Badia Polesine, 238, 239
Badinka, Martin, 404
Badoglio, General Pietro, 99, 104, 127, 149,
155, 160, 209, 320, 421
enthusiasm for prop. against AH, 190,
197, 202, 227, 228, 237, 238, 239,
303, 372, 381
Baernreither, Josef, 20
Bahr, Hermann, 26, 28
Bainsizza plateau, 76, 126±7, 137, 151
Baker, Bernard Granville (British delegate
to PC), 186, 188, 197, 198, 201, 202±3,
208, 211, 220, 225±6, 227, 240, 322,