topan, -ain, -ain nm crest, tuft
le topan
leathrach donn with a brown leather tuft
topanach crested (bird), tufted
tora, -achan nm auger, wimble
torach, -aiche a fertile, fruitful, produc-
dèan / fàs torach fructify (trans /
intrans respectively)
gleanntan leathann
torach wide, fertile valleys
torachadh, -aidh nm & vn of toraich
fertilizing, fertilization
tòrachd nf pursuit, chase
torachas, -ais nm fertility
toradh, -aidh, -aidhean nm consequence,
effect, fruit(s) (end product), growth,
issue, output, proceeds, produce, product,
production, result(s), yield
mar thoradh
air a’ cho-dhùnadh seo … as a conse-
quence of this decision …
chan fhaca e
toradh a shaothrach he did not see the
fruits of his labour
… ach a bharrachd
air na toraidhean neo-chòrdail sin… …
but in addition to these discordant effects…
a thoradh because conj
tha seo gu
h-àraid annasach a thoradh gur e Sasannach
a th’ann this is particularly unusual
because he is an Englishman
bha e ain-
meil a thoradh mar a thachair he was
famous because of what had happened
toraich, -achadh v
see torraich
Tòraidh, -ean nm Conservative, Tory
Tòraidh a Conservative, Tory
toran, -ain, -ain nm loop-hole
torc, tuirc, tuirc nm boar
tormachan-tuinne nm rock pippet
torman, -ain nm wild clary, vervain sage
torman, -ain nm drone, murmur
torman hum, murmur
chuala mi torman
na h-aibhne I heard the murmur of the
tornàdo, -othan nm tornado
tòrr, -a, -an nm 1. heap, mass (great quan-
tity), mound, tip (coal-tip etc.)
cha robh
air fhàgail ach tòrr ìosal dubh there was
nothing left but a low, black mound
a’ chlann a’ cluich air tòrr connlaich the
children were playing on a heap of straw
2. a lot, much
bha e tòrr na b’inntin-
niche na càch he was far / much more
interesting than the others
tha tòrr dhio-
faran ann there are a lot / many differences
[in it]
tòrr mòr a great deal
tòrr, -adh v 1. heap up, pile up, hoard
tòrradh airgid hoarding money 2. teem
bha fhalt air a thòrradh le miallan his hair
was teeming with lice (lit. was heaped
with etc.) 3. bury
tòrr-guail nm coal-tip
torrach, -aiche a fecund, fertile, big (with
child), pregnant, prolific
talamh torrach
rich soil
fàs torrach conceive (see also
torrachadh, -aidh nm & vn of torraich
fertilizing, impregnation
torrachas, -ais nm fertility, gestation
tòrradh, -aidh, -aidhean nm & vn of tòrr
burying etc., funeral, burial
rinn iad an
t-ullachadh àbhaisteach airson an tòr-
raidh they made the usual preparations for
the funeral
torraich, -achadh v fertilize
torrann, -ain, -an nm peal, thunder (loud
cha b’urrainn dhomh nì a chluin-
ntinn ach torrann an easa I could hear
nothing but the thunder of the waterfall
torrann-sgòth nf thundercloud
torrannach, -aiche a thunderous
torrannach a thunderous waterfall
tosg, tuisg / toisg, tuisg / -an nm tusk
tosgair(e), -ean nm ambassador, envoy
tosgaireachd nf embassy
tost, toist nm toast (toasted bread)
tost nm indec quiet, quietness, rest (pause),
silence, stillness
tost! quiet!, silence!
bi nad thost be quiet (lit. be in
your quietness etc.)
bha i na tost mion-
aid she was quiet for a minute
… nuair
a bhiodh na deisciopail nan tost … when
the disciples were (used to be) quiet
tostach, -aiche a dumb, mute, peaceful,
quiescent, quiet, silent, reticent, taciturn
tostachd nf dumbness, muteness, quiet-
ness, peacefulness, silence
tha e a-nis
air tostachd cheithir bliadhna a thoirt gu
ceann he has now ended four years’silence
tostachadh, -aidh nm & vn of tostaich
tostaich, -achadh v hush
tostaigeadh, -idh nm & vn of tostaig,
trabhaic / trabhaig nf
see trafaig
tràchd, -an nf dissertation, tract
tràchdas, -ais, -an nm memoir, thesis, treatise
tractar, -oir, -an nm tractor
tradisean, -ein, -an nm tradition
tradiseanta a traditional
gu tradiseanta
trafaig, -e nf traffic
solais na trafaig traf-
fic lights
tràghadh, -aidh nm & vn of tràigh ebbing,
draining etc., ebb
tha e cho cinnteach ri
tràghadh is lìonadh na mara it is as sure
as the ebb and flow of the sea
seòrsa de thràghadh spioradail orra a sort
of spiritual ebb affected them
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