… gan treòrachadh ri taobh uisgeachan
ciùine … leading them by still waters
2. rain
uisge searbhagach acid rain
an t-uisge ann it’s raining (always with the
def art in this idiom)
thàinig an t-uisge
na thuil the rain came [down] in torrents
thuit an t-uisge gu trom the rain fell heav-
an rud a thig leis a’ ghaoith, falb-
haidh e leis an uisge what comes with the
wind will go with the rain (proverb)
anns an uisge ’s anns a’ghaoith in the rain
and the wind
bidh iad a’fuireach gus an
tèid an t-uisge às they wait until the rain
goes off
uisge nan seachd sian (see sian)
bha uisge nan seachd sian
ann it was raining cats and dogs / there
was a rainstorm 3. wave (rare in this mean-
dh’èirich uisge mòr a great wave
chaidh an sgioba a shlugadh anns
na h-uisgeachan the crew was swallowed
up in the waves / the waters
uisge-adhair nm rainwater u.-beatha nm
dhòirt e an t-uisge-beatha anns
a’ ghlainne he poured the whisky into the
bha fàileadh an uisge-bheatha air
(a) anail there was the smell of whisky on
his breath
thug e glainne uisge-bheatha
an urra dhuinn he gave a glass of whisky
to each of us u.-bheatha a whisky
e am botal uisge-bheatha he raised the
whisky bottle u.-beatha-braiche nm malt
whisky u.-dhathan n pl water-colours
u.-dhìonach a waterproof u.-dhruim
nm watershed uisg-fhuaraichte pp water-
cooled u.-stiùireach nm wake (of a
uisgeachadh, -aidh nm & vn of uisgich
irrigating etc., irrigation
uisgich, -eachadh v irrigate, sprinkle,
uisgidh a watery, waterish
grian uisgidh
a’ gheamhraidh the watery winter sun
ùisnich, -eachadh v use, employ
nicheadh àireamh sgoiltean na sglèatan a
number of schools used to use the slates
Uibhisteach, -ich, -ich nm Uist person
Uibhisteach a of, belonging to or pertaining
to Uist
ulag, -aige, -an nf pulley
ulaidh, -e, -ean nf 1. hoard, treasure
2. darling
ulfhart, -airt nm howl
dèan ulfhart howl v
ullachadh, -aidh, -aidhean nm & vn of
ullaich preparing etc., preparation,
gun ullachadh extemporary,
impromptu, unrehearsed
labhair gun
ullachadh extemporise
rinneadh an
t-ullachadh àbhaisteach airson an tòrraidh
the usual preparation was made for the
tha iad air ullachadh a
dhèanamh airson a’ gheamhraidh they
have made provision for winter
ullachadh mòr air a dhèanamh latha ron
àm great preparations were made a day
before the time
bu chòir pailteas
ullachaidh a dhèanamh airson…plenty
of preparation should be made for …
thu am piseach a tha air tighinn air na h-
ullachaidhean a tha gan dèanamh you’ll
see the success with which the prepara-
tions that are being made have met (lit. the
success which has come upon etc.)
an t-ullachadh seo air a chur sìos anns an
Leabhar Làimhe the following provision
is set out in the Handbook
ullachadh-sgeòil nm setting the scene
ullaich, -achadh v get ready, prepare, pro-
vide, qualify
ullaich graf plot a graph
bha aice ris an dìnnear ullachadh she had
to prepare the dinner
bha na mnathan
air biadh ullachadh do na ceudan the
women had prepared food for [the] hun-
… nuair a bha sinn ag ullachadh
airson ar n-eallach a leigeil sìos … when
we were preparing to let down our burden
tha cùrsa Gàidhlig ga ullachadh an-
dràsta a Gaelic course is being prepared
right now
bha cuirm mhòr ga h-
ullachadh a great feast was being prepared
ullachail a preparatory
ullamh, -aimhe a 1. done, mature, ready,
prepared, finished
ullamh airson na
poite ready for the pot
bha e ullamh
dheth he was done with it
nuair a bha e
ullamh den cheasnachadh when he was
finished with the questioning nuair a bha
e ullamh a sgrìobhadh an leabhair when
he was finished writing the book (here
a ⫽ de) 2. handy, ready, prone to
sinn ro ullamh air a bhith a’ cur sìos air
càch we are too ready to be reviling others
ullamhachd nf readiness
ulpag, -aige, -an nf boulder
ultach, -aich, -aichean nm armful, bundle
thàinig i a-staigh le ultach mòna she
came in with an armful of peat
connaidh an armful / bundle of firewood
Ultach, -aich, -aich nm Ulsterman
Ultach a of, belonging to or pertaining to Ulster
umad / umam / umaibh / umainn prep
prons of mu (q.v.)
ùmaidh, -ean nm blockhead, clot, dolt,
dunce, fool, idiot
ùmaidh, -e a stupid, doltish, dull (of mind)
617 ùmaidh