and saying to them that I was not…
e air thuar faighneach dhiubh dè bha cho
eibhinn mun chùis he was on the point of
asking them what was so funny about the
and hence: 2. augury, portent,
tuarach, -aiche a portentous
tuarastal, -ail nm earnings, emolument,
fee, pay, stipend, wage(s)
gun tuarastal
tuarastal bliadhna salary
obair na ceilpe cosnadh is tuarastal
dhaibh the kelp work gave them employ-
ment and wages
fhuair e fichead not mar
thuarastal he received twenty pounds as
air thuarastal adv for wages,
bha iad ag obair air thuarastal
they were working for wages
bha sgioba
beag air thuarastal aig an uachdaran the
laird employed a small crew
tuarastalachadh, -aidh nm & vn of
tuarastalaich hiring etc.
tuarastalaich, -achadh v engage, fee, hire,
hire for a fee
tuarastalaiche, -ean nm employee
tuarastalaichean na buidhne the employ-
ees of the firm / the firm’s employees
tuasaid, -e, -ean nf brawl, contention, fight,
quarrel, scrap (fight), scuffle, squabble,
chaidh an tuasaid air adhart the
fight went on
tuasaidean tiamhaidh
wearisome quarrels
tuasaideach, -iche a contentious, quarrel-
’s e daoine teinnteach tuasaideach
a th’annta they are a fiery, quarrelsome
tuasaideachd nf quarrelsomeness
tuath, an àirde tuath / an taobh tuath the
mu thuath in the north, northward
a’ ghaoth a tuath the north-wind
tuath air north of
for more detail of how
tuath is used, see App. 9 Sect. 1.0
tuath, -a nf 1. folk, tenantry, peasantry
triath ’s an tuath the chief and the peas-
antry / tenantry 2. country, countryside
air an tuath landward adv
note also the
modernism tuath cheòl country music
tuath-cheatharn, -airn nf peasantry, ten-
neach den tuath-cheathairn one of
the peasantry
tuathach, -aiche a northern
tuathach, -aich,-aich nm 1. northerner 2.
(localised) person from North Uist
tuathal a 1. anti-clockwise, counter-clock-
wise 2. unlucky, ill-omened (uncommon
in this meaning now, but see App. 9
Sect. 5) 3. confused, agitated
e tuathal mi it confused me, knocked me
‘all wrong’
tuathanach, -aich, -aich nm farmer, yeo-
tuathanach truga truck farmer (geog.)
tuathanachas, -ais nm agriculture, farming
the following are geographical terms:
tuathanachas bainne dairy-farming
tuathanachas dian intensive farming
tuathanachas gràin ranntrach extensive
cereal / grain farming
malairteach commercial farming
tuathanachas measgaichte mixed farmi-
tuathanachas mheasan fruit
tuathanachas neo-mhalairteach
subsistence farming
sgaoilte extensive farming
tuathanas, -ais, -an nm farm, farmstead
rugadh e air tuathanas he was born on
a farm
tuathanas bainne dairy-farm
tuba, -achan nf tub
lìon e an tuba le uisge
he filled the tub with water
tubaist, -e, -ean nf accident, mischance,
droch thubaist catastrophe
ach chuir tubaist do chas Sheumais crìoch
air a sheòladaireachd but an accident to
James’ leg put an end to his seafaring
tubaisteach a accidental, casual
tubhailt(e), -ean nf 1. towel
aodainn face-towel 2. tablecloth
tubhailt-bùird nf table-cloth
tubhailt-shoithichean nf dish-cloth
tubhairt an alt form of tuirt
see abair
tùc, -a, -an nm plug (for the draining hole
in a boat)
tucaid, -e, -ean nf dovecote (Scots ‘doocot’)
tùchadh, an tùchadh hoarseness
bha an
tùchadh a’tighinn air he was becoming
hoarse (lit. the hoarseness was coming
upon him)
tùchanach, -aiche a hoarse, husky
an guth tùchanach in a hoarse / husky
tudan, -ain, -an nm small haystack / stack
tuga, -aichean nf tug (naut.)
tugadh past tense dep pass of irreg v thoir
see tiugainn
tugaist, an tugaist alt form of an tugadh –
past tense dep pass of thoir
tugh, -adh v thatch
tughadair, -ean nm thatcher
tughadh vn of tugh thatching, thatch
tughaidh a thatched, of thatch
tughaidh a thatched roof
taigh tughaidh
a thatched house
tughte pp thatched
taigh beag tughte
a small thatched house
tug past tense dep active of thoir (q.v.)
tugte, an tugte alt form of an tugadh –
past tense dep pass of thoir
603 tugte