mìosail a monthly
miosail, -e a same as measail
miosgainn nf spite
miotag, -aige, -an nf glove, mitten (also
miotas, -ais, -ais / -an nm myth
miotas-eòlas nm mythology
miotasach a mythical
mìothlachd nf (from mì-thlachd) offence,
na gabh mìothlachd don’t
take offence / umbrage
mìr, -e, -ean nm bit (of anything), chip,
fraction, fragment, morsel, particle, piece,
scrap, shred, whit
mìrean chreagan rock
cha robh mìr bidhe aige he
didn’t have a particle of food
mìr air
mhìr piece by piece, bit by bit
bha eagal
air gum bitheadh e air a shracadh na
mhìrean he was afraid that he would be
torn in [his] pieces
agus mìrean blasta
eile and other tasty morsels / titbits
mìr-cainnte nm part of speech m.-
riochdachadh nm synecdoche m.-uchd
nm brisket
mircean, -ein nm henware / badderlocks
(edible seaweed)
mire nf frolic, glee, merriment, mirth
làn mire full of mirth
air mhire
in ecstasy, in a transport of delight
bha iad uile a-nis air mhire they were
now all in ecstasy / in a transport of
gun mhire mirthless
rinn e
gàire gun mhire he gave (lit. made)
a mirthless laugh
note also: a’ mire ri
seann sgeulachdan delighting / indulging
in old tales
mire-shruth nm boiling, impetuous
current, rapids m.-chatha nf battle-rage,
dhùisgeadh mire-chatha ann
a battle-fury awakened in him
mìreach a fractional
mireagach, -aiche a
same as mireanach
mìrean, -ein, an nm fragment, particle
am mìrean àicheil negative particle
mìrean dàimheil relative particle
mireanach, -aiche a frisky, merry, mirthful
chluich e am port bu mhireanaiche
a chuala mi riamh he played the merriest
tune I have ever heard
mìrean-measgte n pl jig-saw
mirr, -e nm myrrh
mise emph form of the pers pron mi (q.v.)
misde (miosa ⫹ de)
see miste
misean, -ein, -an nm mission
miseanaraidh, -ean nm missionary
e roimhe gu bhith na mhiseanaraidh he
decided to be a a missionary
misg nf debauch, drunkenness
air mhisg
drunk, fuddled, inebriated, intoxicated
air mhisg be fuddled etc.
bha e air mhisg
he was drunk / he was inebriated etc.
iad uile air mhisg they were all drunk etc.
rach air mhisg booze
cuir air mhisg
make drunk, fuddle, inebriate, intoxicate
misge nf inebriation, insobriety
misgear, -eir, -an nm drunkard, sot, tippler,
misionairidh nm missionary
mìslean, -ein nm sweet meadow grass
misneach, -ich nm/f
same as misneachd
misneachadh, -aidh nm & vn of misnich
encouraging etc., encouragement
misneachail, -e a confident, courageous,
encouraging, plucky, spirited, venture-
thug e seachad òraid mhisneachail
he delivered a spirited speech
nach eil e
misneachail a bhith a’ faicinn …? isn’t it
encouraging to see …?
misneachd nf (sometimes nm)
also mis-
neach nm/f bravery, confidence, courage,
courageousness, encouragement, fortitude,
heroism, inducement, morale, resolution,
misneachd òil Dutch courage
chaill e a mhisneachd he became discour-
call misneachd disillusion
misneachd / a mhisneachd bho unnerve
dè a thug neart agus misneachd dha agus
e anns a’ phrìosan? what gave him
strength and courage while / although (he
was) in prison?
ciamar a fhuair thu de
mhisneachd a sheas do ghrunnd? how did
you get enough courage to stand your
ground? (lit. of courage that stood your
thuirt e gun d’fhuair a bhar-
rachd de mhisneachd bhuam na fhuair e o
neach sam bith eile he said that he had
received more encouragement from me
than he had [received] from anybody else
’s cinnteach gur ann aig an dithis seo
a bha a’mhisneachd nuair a chaidh iad an
sàs anns na daoine seo this pair certainly
had courage when they tackled these
misnich, -eachadh v bolster, encourage,
miste (from miosa ⫹ de) the worse of
mhiste tu sgrìob a ghabhail you wouldn’t
be the worse of taking a walk
is dòcha
nach miste sinn beachdachadh air a’chùis
perhaps we wouldn’t be any the worse of
thinking about the matter / we’d be none
the worse etc.
is miste an saoghal a bhàs
the world is the worse of his death
mìosail 434