uneducated, unlearned
thuirt e gun
robh seo air a sgrìobhadh air son
dhaoine foghlaimte ’s nach ann air son
dhaoine neo-fhoghlaimte he said that
this was written for educated people
and not for uneducated people
n.-fhoghlamaichte pp uneducated,
unlearned n.-fhoighidinn nf impa-
tience n.-fhoighidneach a impatient
n.-fhoilleil a guileless n.-fhoillsichte
pp unpublished, unrevealed n.-fhoirfe
a imperfect
aimsir neo-fhoirfe
imperfect tense
tha an saoghal seo
neo-fhoirfe this world is imperfect n.-
fhoirmealachd nf informality n.-
fhoirmeil a informal
foghlaim neo-fhoirmeil informal edu-
cational programmes n.-fhois(t)neach
same as n.-fhoiseil n.-fhoiseil a
bha a shùilean neo-fhoiseil
his eyes were restless
rinn e gluasad
neo-fhoisneil he made a restless move-
ment n.-fhonnmhor a dissonant, tune-
less, unharmonious n.-fhosgaire nm
introvert n.-fhosgarra a introvert n.-
fhreagarrach a discordant, dispropor-
tionate, inapplicable, incompatible,
unbefitting, unsuitable
dh’fhas iad
na bu neo-fhreagarraiche they became
more unsuitable n.-fhreagarrachd nf
discordance, incompatibility n.-
fhreastalach a improvident n.-gheal-
tach a undaunted n.-gheanmnaidh
a unchaste n.-ghlaine nf impurity
neòghlan a unclean
dh’fhairich mi
làthaireachd neòghlan I sensed an
unclean presence n.-ghlic a unwise n.-
ghluaiste pp unmoved, undisturbed,
unruffled n.-ghluasadach a immov-
able, motionless, stagnant, undis-
turbed, unmoved, unruffled, unshaken
“Tha,” fhreagair i neo-ghluasadach
“Yes,” she replied, unruffled n.
-ghluasadachd nf immobility n.-
ghnàthach a extraordinary, unaccus-
tomed, uncommon, unconventional,
unorthodox n.-ghnàthachd nf odd-
ness n.-ghnàthaichte a unaccustomed,
unpractised, unusual n.-ghnèitheach a
neuter n.-ghnìomhachas nm inactivity
n.-ghoireasachd nf inconvenience n.-
ghoirtichte pp unleavened
gan neo-ghoirtichte unleavened cakes
n.-ghrinn a rough, inelegant, coarse,
rude (all of quality)
bha iad air an
dealbh gu neo-ghrinn de fhiodh they
were roughly sculpted from wood
n.-inntinneach a insipid, uninteresting
n.-iomallach a interminable,
unbounded n.-iomchaidh a improper,
inexpedient, unfit, unsuitable
neo-iomchaidh disqualify n.-
iomchaidheachd nf disqualification
n.-iomlan a imperfect, incomplete n.-
iomlanachd nf imperfection n.-
ionmhainn a unbeloved, unpopular
n.-ionnan a disparate, unequal n.-ion-
nanachd nf disparity, disproportion,
inequality n.-ionnsaichte pp unskilled,
untaught, untrained, untutored
n.-laghail a illegal, lawless
n.-làthaireachd nf absence bhòt
neo-làthaireachd an absent vote
n.-leanailteach a incoherent n.-
leanailteachd nf incoherence n.-leas-
aichte pp underdeveloped, inchoate,
unimproved, unreformed n.-lìomhte
pp unpolished n.-litireach a illiterate
n.-litireachd nf illiteracy n.-lochdach
a harmless, innocuous, inoffensive
n.-lochdas nm innocuousness n.-lois-
geach a incombustible n.-luachmhor
a base, worthless n.-lùbachd nf inflex-
ibility n.-luchdaichte pp unladen
n.-mhathach a unforgiving
sgàth an nàdar neo-mhathach because
of their unforgiving nature n.-
mhearachdach a accurate, unerring
… air dhòigh is gun dearbh e gu
neo-mhearachdach iad … so that he
will prove them unerringly n.-mheasail
a disreputable n.-mheasarra a
immoderate, incontinent (of life-style)
n.-mheasarrachd nf debauch, inconti-
nence (of life-style) n.-mheasgte pp
unmixed n.-mhothachail a insensible,
senseless n.-mhuinghinneach
a unreliable n.-ni nm (see neoni) n.-
nitheach a (see neonitheach) n.-ono-
rach a insincere n.-onorachd nf
insincerity n.-phàirteach a neutral
(general) n.-phàirteachd nf neutrality
n.-phàirteil a neutral n.-phàrlamaid-
each a unparliamentary n.-phearsanta
a impersonal n.-phoiblidh a private
pàipearan neo-phoiblidh private papers
n.-phoileataiceach a non-political
tha an Comann neo-phoileataiceach
the Society is non-political n.-
phrìomhach a off-peak
tomhas de
stuth air son uairean neo-phrìomhach
some off-peak (viewing) material (lit.
neip 452