116 Conservation Laws
which says that internal energy increases because of convergence of heat, volume
compression, and heating due to viscous dissipation. Note that the last two terms in
equation (4.66) also appear in mechanical energy equation (4.62) with their signs
The thermal energy equation can be simplified under the Boussinesq approxima-
tion, which applies under several restrictions including that in which the flow speeds
are small compared to the speed of sound and in which the temperature differences
in the flow are small. This is discussed in Section 18. It is shown there that, under
these restrictions, heating due to the viscous dissipation term is negligible in equa-
tion (4.66), and that the term −p(∇
u) can be combined with the left-hand side of
equation (4.66) to give (for a perfect gas)
q. (4.67)
If the heat flux obeys the Fourier law
q =−k∇T,
then, if k = const., equation (4.67) simplifies to:
= κ∇
T. (4.68)
where κ ≡ k/ρC
is the thermal diffusivity, stated in m
/s and which is the same as
that of the momentum diffusivity ν.
The viscous heating term φ may be negligible in the thermal energy equa-
tion (4.66) if flow speeds are low compared with the sound speed, but not in the
mechanical energy equation (4.62). In fact, there must be a sink of mechanical energy
so that a steady state can be maintained in the presence of the various types of forcing.
15. Second Law of Thermodynamics: Entropy Production
The second law of thermodynamics essentially says that real phenomena can only
proceed in a direction in which the “disorder” of an isolated system increases. Disor-
der of a system is a measure of the degree of uniformity of macroscopic properties in
the system, which is the same as the degree of randomness in the molecular arrange-
ments that generate these properties. In this connection, disorder, uniformity, and
randomness have essentially the same meaning. For analogy, a tray containing red
balls on one side and white balls on the other has more order than in an arrangement
in which the balls are mixed together. A real phenomenon must therefore proceed in
a direction in which such orderly arrangements decrease because of “mixing.” Con-
sider two possible states of an isolated fluid system, one in which there are nonuni-
formities of temperature and velocity and the other in which these properties are
uniform. Both of these states have the same internal energy. Can the system sponta-
neously go from the state in which its properties are uniform to one in which they are