88 Conservation Laws
(described by x and y coordinates). Because all the streamlines lie in z = constant
planes, z is a streamfunction. Define χ =−z, where the sign is chosen to obey the
usual convention. Then ∇χ =−k (unit vector in the z direction), and
ρu =−k × ∇ψ; ρu = ∂ψ/∂y, ρv =−∂ψ/∂x,
in conformity with Chapter 3, Exercise 14.
Similarly, in cyclindrical polar coordinates as shown in Figure 3.1, flows, sym-
metric with respect to rotation about the x-axis, that is, those for which ∂/∂φ = 0,
have streamlines in φ = constant planes (through the x-axis). For those axisymmetric
flows, χ =−φ is one streamfunction:
ρu =−
× ∇ψ,
then gives ρRu
= ∂ψ/∂R, ρRu
=−∂ψ/∂x. We note here that if the density may
be taken as a constant, mass conservation reduces to ∇
u = 0 (steady or not) and
the entire preceding discussion follows for u rather than ρu with the interpretation of
streamfunction in terms of volumetric rather than mass flux.
5. Origin of Forces in Fluid
Before we can proceed further with the conservation laws, it is necessary to classify
the various types of forces on a fluid mass. The forces acting on a fluid element can
be divided conveniently into three classes, namely, body forces, surface forces, and
line forces. These are described as follows:
(1) Body forces: Body forces are those that arise from “action at a distance,” with-
out physical contact. They result from the medium being placed in a certain
force field, which can be gravitational, magnetic, electrostatic, or electromag-
netic in origin. They are distributed throughout the mass of the fluid and are
proportional to the mass. Body forces are expressed either per unit mass or per
unit volume. In this book, the body force per unit mass will be denoted by g.
Body forces can be conservative or nonconservative. Conservative body
forces are those that can be expressed as the gradient of a potential function:
g =−∇, (4.13)
where is called the force potential. All forces directed centrally from a source
are conservative. Gravity, electrostatic and magnetic forces are conservative.
For example, the gravity force can be written as the gradient of the potential
= gz,