Chapter 3
1. Introduction ..................... 53
2. Lagrangian and Eulerian
Specifications .................... 54
3. Eulerian and Lagrangian Descriptions:
The Particle Derivative ........... 55
4. Streamline, Path Line, and Streak
Line ............................. 57
5. Reference Frame and Streamline
Pattern .......................... 59
6. Linear Strain Rate ............... 60
7. Shear Strain Rate................ 61
8. Vorticity and Circulation ......... 62
9. Relative Motion near a Point:
Principal Axes ................... 64
10. Kinematic Considerations of
Parallel Shear Flows............ 67
11. Kinematic Considerations of Vortex
Flows .......................... 68
Solid-Body Rotation ............ 68
Irrotational Vortex .............. 70
Rankine Vortex ................. 71
12. One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional
Flows .......................... 71
13. The Streamfunction ............. 73
14. Polar Coordinates .............. 75
Exercises ....................... 77
Supplemental Reading .......... 79
1. Introduction
Kinematics is the branch of mechanics that deals with quantities involving space and
time only. It treats variables such as displacement, velocity, acceleration, deformation,
and rotation of fluid elements without referring to the forces responsible for such a
motion. Kinematics therefore essentially describes the “appearance” of a motion.
Some important kinematical concepts are described in this chapter. The forces are
considered when one deals with the dynamics of the motion, which will be discussed
in later chapters.
A few remarks should be made about the notation used in this chapter and
throughout the rest of the book. The convention followed in Chapter 2, namely,
that vectors are denoted by lowercase letters and higher-order tensors are denoted
by uppercase letters, is no longer followed. Henceforth, the number of subscripts
will specify the order of a tensor. The Cartesian coordinate directions are denoted
by (x, y, z), and the corresponding velocity components are denoted by (u, v, w).
When using tensor expressions, the Cartesian directions are denoted alternatively
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DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-381399-2.50003-4