Chapter 4
Conservation Laws
1. Introduction.......................... 82
2. Time Derivatives of Volume
Integrals ............................. 82
General Case ......................... 82
Fixed Volume ........................ 83
Material Volume...................... 84
3. Conservation of Mass ................. 84
4. Streamfunctions: Revisited and
Generalized .......................... 87
5. Origin of Forces in Fluid .............. 88
6. Stress at a Point...................... 90
7. Conservation of Momentum ........... 92
8. Momentum Principle for a Fixed
Volume............................... 93
Example 4.1 ......................... 95
9. Angular Momentum Principle for a
Fixed Volume......................... 98
Example 4.2 ......................... 99
10. Constitutive Equation for Newtonian
Fluid ............................... 100
Non-Newtonian Fluids .............. 103
11. Navier–Stokes Equation ............. 104
Comments on the Viscous Term ...... 105
12. Rotating Frame ..................... 105
Effect of Centrifugal Force .......... 109
Effect of Coriolis Force .............. 109
13. Mechanical Energy Equation ........ 111
Concept of Deformation Work and
Viscous Dissipation ............... 112
Equation in Terms of Potential
Energy ........................... 113
Equation for a Fixed Region ......... 114
14. First Law of Thermodynamics:
Thermal Energy Equation ........... 115
15. Second Law of Thermodynamics:
Entropy Production ................. 116
16. Bernoulli Equation .................. 118
Steady Flow ........................ 119
Unsteady Irrotational Flow .......... 121
Energy Bernoulli Equation .......... 121
17. Applications of Bernoulli’s
Equation............................ 122
Pitot Tube .......................... 122
Orifice in a Tank .................... 123
18. Boussinesq Approximation ........... 124
Continuity Equation ................ 125
Momentum Equation ................ 126
Heat Equation ...................... 127
19. Boundary Conditions ................ 129
Boundary Condition at a moving,
deforming surface ................. 130
Surface tension revisited:
generalized discussion ............. 130
Example 4.3 ........................ 133
Exercises ............................ 134
Literature Cited ..................... 136
Supplemental Reading ............... 137
©2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-381399-2.50004-6