Sintering. During sintering of ferrous PM
parts, the following reactions occur:
Metallurgical bonds are developed from the
mechanical interlocks betwee n the powder
metal particles in the compact.
Metal oxides in the powder compact are
reduced by reaction with the carbon from the
blended graphite or with the combustible
constituents of the atmosphere.
Desired final level of combined carbon in the
microstructure is obtained by diffusion of
carbon from graphite in the powder mix.
Densification of PM compacts can be
achieved in sintering. The degree of densific-
ation depends on the sintering parameters and the
alloys involved. Generally, higher sintering
temperatures and longer sintering times promote
densification of ferrous sinter ed parts.
For conventional sintering, which generally is
conducted at 1120
C, mesh belt conveyor fur-
naces are widely used. These furnaces can be
used up to temperatures of 1150
C, primarily
due to the temperature limitation of the belt and
metallic muffle material.
For stainless steels, proper sintering is critical
for proper corrosion resistance (Ref 2).
Case Hardening
Powder metallurgy steel parts can be case
hardened by several processes, although various
available processes are not equally suited to
every application. A clear case/core relationship
can be obtained only with parts having a density
of at least 7.2 g/cc.
Carburizing. Powder metallurgy parts with
relatively low combined carbon contents of up to
0.20 wt% can be carburized by conventional
pack or gas methods. Liquid carburizing is
not reco mmended because of the difficulty of
washing the parts free of salt.
Gas carburizing is more practical for PM parts
than pack carburizing. For this process to be
successful, however, density as well as the pre-
cise composition of the parts should be known.
Low-density parts should not be subjected to
gas carburizing, because the carburizing gases
penetrate the voids. Consequently, a distinct
case is not achieved compare d with the case
developed on wrought parts under the same
conditions. Instead, the carbon penetration in
PM parts is generally deeper and relatively
nonuniform. The extent of this condition varies
with densi ty. In parts that have been repressed
and resintered, this condition may be tolerable or
even negligible, but for parts of lesser density,
the depth of carbon penetration may be so great
that these sections of quenched parts will be
Another reason that conventional gas carbur-
izing enjoys only limited use is because it does
not increase hardenability. Thus, plain carbon
grades usually must be quenched in an aqueous
medium. This may result in cracking, especially
if carbon penetration is excessive. As with
wrought parts, the depth of carburized case of the
PM parts depends on time and temperature.
Carbonitriding is a modified form of car-
burizing. The principal process modification
consists of introducing ammonia into the gas
carburizing atmosphere, which results in the
addition of nitrogen to the carburized case as
it is produced. Nascent nitrogen forms at
the workpiece surface by dissociation of the
ammonia in the furnace atmosphere. Nitrogen
diffuses into the steel surfaces simultaneously
with the carbon, where the austenite stability is
greatly enhanced by nitrogen in solution. This
way, the necessary quenching rate to form
martensite is reduced, and a martensitic micro-
structure is obtained without expensive alloying
elements. Typically, carbonitriding of PM parts
is carried out at 790 to 880
C for a duration of
30 to 60 min.
Carbonitriding is widely used for case hard-
ening of PM parts made of ferrous powders.
Densities of the sintered compacts vary from
approximately 6.8 to 7.9 g/cc. Parts may be
infiltrated with copper prior to carbonitriding.
Carbonitriding is extremely effective for case
hardening high-density (7.2 g/cm
) parts made
from sintered iron compacts (Fig. 2). Addition-
ally, it is reasonably effective for case hardening
parts of lower density.
Equipment and Techniques. Procedures for
carbonitriding PM parts are essentially the same
as those used for similar wrought parts. Control
of temperature and time is generally more cri-
tical than for wrought parts because of porosity.
Lower temperatures are avoided to minimize the
potential danger of explosion, and higher tem-
peratures are avoided because case depth control
is more difficult.
The processing cycle, including composition
of the atmosphere, is critical. The ammonia con-
tent (usually 1 to 5% of carrier gas by volum e)
increases hardenability and affects dimensional
stability. Because dimensional changes in heat
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