portion can be cut from the sample and mounted
for metallographic polishing and microscopic
examination. The microstructure of specimens
may be enhanced by a wide variety of metallo-
graphic techniques that include, for example,
heat tinting, stain etching, anodizing, and illu-
mination by bright-field and polarizing light.
Optical microscopic examination generally be-
gins at 50 · magnification and continues through
1000 · or even 1500 · . Higher levels are best
supplemented by differential interference con-
trast lighting, which allows theoretical resolu-
tion of features as fine as one-third of a
micrometer. Features that are important to
recognize include the uniformity and size of the
grain structure, the size distribution and shape of
intermetallic particles, and inclusions. Scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) is most useful
where extreme depth of focus and high magni-
fications are needed. Fractures generally are
complex, undulating surfaces that are difficult to
image, and an optical microscope can only focus
on a very narrow region because of the very
shallow depth of field. However, the SEM excels
at imaging fracture surfaces, and it can be
operated in many different modes. The most
common mode is secondary electron imaging,
which provides a detailed, high-depth-focus
image that is easy to interpret. Backscattered
“Z” contrast is used to identify regions of
impurities within a matrix. High-atomic-number
species produce a light appearance, whereas
low-atomic-number species create a darker
appearance. The topographic backscattered
mode enhances the surface topography of the
sample and accentuates height or elevation dif-
ferences on a fracture surface. The characteristic
x-rays can be detected and analyzed according to
their energy. This is called energy-dispersive
x-ray analysis. The x-ray wavelength corre-
sponds to the presence of a specific element, and
its amplitude corresponds to the quantity of
such element. This technique allows quantita-
tive characterization of elements within a given
phase. Bulk chemistry is typically analyzed
during failure analysis to verify conformance
with industry-accepted chemical limits. In the
case of reactive metals, light elements can
embrittle them due to improper processing or
service conditions (Ref 4).
Selection, Preparation, Examination, and
Analysis of Metallographic Specimens. One
of the worst things that can happen to the sample
is inadequate handling, examination, or pack-
aging. It is imperative that the sample remains in
an undisturbed state prior to analysis, because
the culprit is often found in minute surface
features or traces of impurities. Fracture surfaces
must remain untouched so that high-magnifica-
tion images can accurately determine the failure
mode. The sample must be removed carefully.
Important evidence can be destroyed by over-
heating or by allowing adjacent fracture surfaces
to fret or rub together during sectioning. The
ideal method would be to unbolt the component
or to provide adequate support so that a slow-
speed saw can be used to cut out the component.
However, sawing lubricants can mask or
destroy residual chemicals or elements on the
failed surface, so precautions become extremely
necessary. If the component has failed in the
middle of a large area, more aggressive cutting/
sectioning techniques may be warranted, but
keep a good distance from the failed region
(Ref 4).
Determination of Failure Mechanism
(with Adapted Text from Ref 7). A thorough
investigation should ensure that all damage is
found and documented, because multiple modes
and mechanisms may be present in most real-
world failure analyses. It is also important to
recognize that many unique mechanisms may be
driven by more than one environmental factor,
such as stress, temperature, corrosion, wear,
radiation, or electrical factors.
The term failure mechanism, or damage
mechanism, is meant to convey the specific
series of events that describe both how the
damage was incurred and the resulting con-
sequences. Examples of damage mechanisms
include high-temperature creep, hydrogen
embrittlement, stress-corrosion cracking, and
sulfidation. A failure or damage mechanism
describes how damage came to be present.
This definition of failure mechanism also
should not be confused with the description of
the physical characteristics of damage observed.
For example, intergranular fracture, buckling,
transgranular beach marks, and pits can all be
thought of as damage modes. The term damage
mode or failure mode is best used to describe
what damage is present.
Much confusion has occurred because of
the tendency of engineers to use the terms
mechanism and mode interchangeably; in doing
so, it is unclear that two distinct characteristics
need to be assessed. Sometimes this occurs
because, within a given system, the same
wording is used to describe both the failure
mode and mechanism. For example, pitting
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