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Freeman and Company.
Interactions with Other Food
R F Tester and J Karkalas, Glasgow Caledonian
University, Glasgow, UK
Copyright 2003, Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Carbohydrate Interactions
0001 Carbohydrates include simple sugars, oligosacchar-
ides, and polysaccharides (See Carbohydrates: Classi-
fication and Properties). They can interact with
themselves, or with noncarbohydrate substances.
These interactions may be (1) physical (e.g., altered
rheological properties, lowering of water activity),
(2) ionic, (3) stable associations involving hydrogen
bonds and van der Walls interactions in the form of
helices, and (4) chemically bonded structures (cova-
lent bonds) resulting from reactions of carbohydrates
with other molecules. In addition, carbohydrates can
be decomposed and oxidized at high temperatures.
These interactions provide structure (e.g., gel forma-
tion), limit digestibility (e.g., with amylases), and may
restrict bioavailability of trace elements. Sometimes,
these interactions are deliberately created during
food processing (e.g., generation of color or aroma),
whereas at other times, they may be undesirable (e.g.,
browning of dehydrated foods, loss of nutrients), and
steps are taken to prevent their occurrence.
Physical Associations and Interactions
0002Sugars are generally very soluble in water. The satur-
ation concentration of sucrose in water at 20
66.6% (by weight) or 1.994 kg in 1 l of water. Fruc-
tose is very soluble (> 70%), but glucose has limited
solubility (about 48% by weight) at 20
C. The vis-
cosity of these sugars increases with increasing con-
centration, e.g., in cordials, golden syrup (a mixture
of sucrose and invert sugar), and honey. The high
solubility of sugars is due to the affinity of hydroxyl
groups for water. Crystallization of sugars occurs
when the solubility limit is exceeded. Sugar crystals,
in common with all crystalline substances, have a
highly ordered structure built from unit cells of the
constituent molecules.
0003Fondant is a suspension of a very large number of
minute sucrose crystals (< 20 mm particle diameter)
in a saturated solution of sucrose. The creamy texture
of this product is due to the very fine crystals of
sucrose that are not detected on the palate. By
contrast, crystallization of sucrose is prevented by
the addition of glucose syrup or by partial inversion
of the sucrose as in candies (hard-boiled sweets
and fruit drops). (See Sweets and Candies: Sugar
0004Lactose (milk sugar) has rather limited solubility
(21.6% by weight at 25
C) and crystallizes readily
as the monohydrate (C
O). This sugar
forms gritty particles in sweetened condensed milk,
because its solubility limit is exceeded during evapor-
ation. By the judicious addition of a small quantity of
exceedingly fine lactose crystals to the milk and su-
crose mixture during evaporation, lactose is induced
to crystallize as very fine crystals (< 30 mm diameter)
that are not perceptible in the mouth.
0005Partially purified sucrose crystals (e.g., soft sugar,
brown sugar, Demerara sugar, and Muscovado sugar)
are coated with a thin film of molasses, which imparts
a brown color and a characteristic flavor. These prod-
ucts are often considered nutritionally superior to
white sugar. This is an erroneous assumption, because
the protein and mineral contents are usually less than
1%. The ‘unrefined’ sugars contain only traces of
vitamins. The cohesive nature of these products is
due to a small quantity of inverted sugar and accom-
panying moisture (c.1–5%), both of which originate
from the molasses.
0006Apart from their widespread use as sweeteners,
simple sugars have a preservative effect in concen-
trated solution. A 65% (by weight) solution of
sucrose lowers the water activity (a
)(See Water
Activity: Principles and Measurement; Effect on
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