techniques. Current systems incorporate many fea-
tures to improve digestion time, element recoveries,
contamination, and safety. Improved recoveries can
be achieved with systems operating under power-
regulated control of pressure because these systems
allow digestion to be completed without venting vola-
tile elements. Sealed digestion vessels also reduce acid
consumption and, in combination with Teflon con-
struction, reduce contamination problems.
0030 The advantages of microwave digestion with re-
spect to the dry-ashing sample preparation method
(at 550
C) are rapid dissolution, complete digestion,
sample integrity, minimal reagent use, lower reagent
blank, simultaneous multiple sample digestion, pos-
sible automation, and contamination-free digested
0031 For the determination of cadmium in brine shrimp,
four different digestion procedures were compared
(dry ashing, wet ashing on a hot-block, high-pressure
bomb digestion and microwave-oven digestion) and
the conclusion was that microwave digestion (in
polyethylene autosampler cups) was an excellent
technique for the rapid digestion of submiligram
amounts of biological materials.
0032 Dry ash digestions use a long, slow ashing step,
usually performed overnight in a muffle furnace,
accomplished by high-temperature oxidation. The
critical requirements are: (1) the nature of the ashing
vessel; (2) position in the muffle furnace; (3) ashing
temperature; and (4) time. Silica is probably one of
the best materials for the ashing vessel, although glass
beakers and well-glazed porcelain crucibles are also
suitable. A critical initial requirement is to keep the
temperature sufficiently low to prevent flaming or
0033 The ashing process is completed by the addition of
a small quantity of inorganic acid to the residue and
evaporation on a hot plate. The residue is redissolved
in acid and the solution is brought to volume with
distilled or deionized water. Element loss during the
ashing process is greater for dry ash procedures than
for wet ash procedures and ‘ashing aids’ are often
employed to prevent loss of the more volatile elem-
ents. The addition of 1:1 dilute sulfuric acid to food
materials prior to dry ashing eliminates losses of cad-
mium, although losses due to volatilization are pos-
sible as well as lack of recovery due to the formation
of insoluble silicates.
0034 Both techniques, wet oxidation and dry ashing,
give reasonably comparable results and, in may in-
stances, it is the analyst who makes the difference
whichever technique is employed. However, wet
digestion is recommended, using sulfuric acid and
hydrogen peroxide: dry ashing can result in low
recoveries since cadmium is volatile at temperatures
over 500
C, temperatures of below 450
C being
more appropriate. Furthermore, the digestion proced-
ure selected needs to be tested for appropriate quality
assurance and quality control guidelines that include
the use of contamination control, digestion blanks,
spiked test portions, replicate analyses, an appropri-
ate reference material, and recovery calculations.
Analytical Techniques
0035Analysts nowadays have a number of techniques to
choose from when making an elementary assay. The
choice to be made depends on a number of factors, such
as accuracy, precision, detection limit, sensitivity, the
user’s experience, performance with standard samples,
and safety considerations. However, it may be the more
practical considerations of instrument availability,
cost, and sample form and quantity that become the
governing factors rather than the choice being based on
the above criteria. The analyst’s skill, past experience,
or lack of experience may dictate the selection of the
analytical technique chosen. Personal preference may
equally be a significant factor in this decision. (See
Analysis of Food; Heavy Metal Toxicology.)
0036Spectrometric techniques are most commonly used
and include flame atomic absorption spectrometry
(FAAS), graphite furnace, or electrothermal atomiza-
tion atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) and
inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spec-
trometry (ICP-AES). (See Spectroscopy: Atomic
Emission and Absorption.)
0037The general trend for solid sample introduction is
slurry atomization. The slurries are prepared by grind-
ing the sample with 3-mm diameter ZrO
beads in a
laboratory shaker or mixing by ultrasonic agitation
with dilute HNO
. For determination of cadmium in
protein foodstuffs and vegetables by ETAAS, the
samples were stabilized with a thixotropic agent (Vis-
calex HV-30); to aid ashing O
was added during the
ashing phase of the furnace program and matrix
modifiers (NH
and Pt) were included. The
size of the food sample particles determined the sta-
bility of the slurry and also influenced the extent of
matrix and chemical interferences. With respect to
the direct insertion of solid samples into a graphite
furnace, the use of a novel graphite tube described as
a ‘ring chamber tube’ is reported; this obtains good
accuracy for National Bureau Standards (NBS) and
Standards Reference Materials (SRMs).
0038The main area of research in liquid sample intro-
duction is based on flow injection systems to improve
the analytical sensitivity. Preconcentration proced-
ures are described, such as the use of microcolumn
packed with a chelating resin. The compounds used
most commonly as ligands are dithiocarbamates such
as ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (APDC),
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