Its major route into milk fat however, is via the desat-
uration of trans vaccenic acid, trans-11 18:1, (TVA),
which is formed during the biohydrogenation of both
linoleic and linolenic (18:3) acid. On reaching the
cows’ mammary gland, TVA is desaturated to CLA
by the D
stearoyl Co-A desaturase enzyme. There
are a number of research programs directed at in-
creasing this and other functional fatty acids in milk
fat by modifying the cows’ diet.
0022 Government recommendations for a healthy diet
have included a reduction in total fat intake, particu-
larly saturated fat. However, the balance of nutrients,
fat types, and ratio of n-6:n-3 fatty acids must also be
considered. Milk fat is an important source of fat-
soluble vitamins, especially vitamin A, and provides
small but useful amounts of vitamin D to diets
of children, pregnant and lactating women, whose
requirements are particularly high.
0023 Dietary lipids, of the correct balance, are essential
for our health but, in general, food will be eaten only
if it is palatable. Milk fat contributes not only a
pleasant flavor and aroma, but also an attractive
texture and mouth feel.
0024 Additives and contaminants Certain additives such
as salt, natural coloring agents, lactic cultures, and
neutralizing salts may be permitted in butter but these
vary from country to country. However, butter may
also contain very low concentrations of other com-
ponents, called contaminants. Although contamin-
ants are primarily synthetic chemicals, they also
include microbial toxins, endogenous plant toxicants,
heavy metals, and radionuclides. A comprehensive
review of milk contaminants in Europe has been
published by the IDF.
0025 Chemicals such as the organocholorine-type pesti-
cides and polychlorinated biphenyls have been scru-
tinized as they are lipophilic and tend to accumulate
in the fat. However, levels of these chemicals detected
in butter are below limits set in most countries and
there is legislation in place governing their use.
Organophosphates and carbamates are also widely
used as pesticides but, as they are not lipophilic and
are readily broken down by the cow, they give less
cause for concern.
0026 The risk of contamination of milk by such sub-
stances as detergents, disinfectants, and plasticizers
(from packing materials and pipelines) may be min-
imized by good production practice both on the farm
and at the factory. Antibiotics in milk can have a
detrimental effect on the manufacture of cultured
products and their use on farms is governed by legis-
lation. Strict control of feed manufacture should
avoid mold growth and the possibility of mycotoxin
production and contamination of the milk.
0027There is little heavy metal contamination of butter
through the feed, the cow acting as an effective filter.
However, some contamination with copper and iron
from dairy equipment can occur during and after
milking; these metals act as prooxidants and the
manufacturing treatments which are applied to butter
make its component fat phase particularly suscep-
0028There is little cause for concern over radionuclide
levels in milk. Nevertheless, following the Chernobyl
reactor incident in May 1986 and the associated
increase in radioactive fallout over Europe, especially
Scandinavia, monitoring of agricultural produce still-
takes place. The isotopes concerned were iodine-131,
cesium-134, and cesium-137. Although iodine-
131 has a short half-life of 8 days, iodine accumulates
in the thyroid gland and high concentrations can be
reached. Milk was found to contain all three radio-
active isotopes of concern but butter had very low
levels, with the isotopes being distributed in the serum
rather than the fat phase.
Dairy Spreads
0029Traditional table spread products such as butter must
compete with the plethora of blended dairy spreads
on the market. These blends have improved spread-
ability over butter, are more competitively priced, and
appeal to the health lobby owing to their increased
levels of unsaturated fatty acids and, in some
instances, lower fat contents.
0030The simplest type of dairy spread may be obtained
by blending cream or butter with a liquid vegetable
oil such as soya bean oil. The mixture of cream and
vegetable oil may be churned in a batch or continuous
butter-maker, but if oil is added to butter itself, high
shear rates are required to insure good mixing.
Increasing the level of oil to improve spreadability at
low temperatures results in oiling-off and loss of body
at higher temperatures. This can be avoided by mim-
icking margarine manufacturers and including a pro-
portion of saturated (hydrogenated) fat to maintain
body and aid emulsion stability. Typically, such a
product would contain a vegetable oil such as soya
bean oil, a partially hydrogenated oil and cream, and
may be manufactured in a continuous butter-maker
or, more commonly, by using scraped-surface tech-
nology. The fat content of these two types of dairy
spreads is usually in the region of 70–80%.
0031The third type of dairy spread available is the low-
fat product. In low-fat spreads the aqueous phase
makes up about 52–75% of the product compared
with a maximum of 16% in butter. The fat phase is
composed of vegetable oils, hydrogenated vegetable
oils and possibly milk fat, with sodium caseinate or a
730 BUTTER/Properties and Analysis