monoheptadecanoin internal standard in diethyl
ether (5 mg ml
) is prepared and stored in a closed
vessel. The sample is sonicated for 1 min using an
MSE ultrasonic sample preparator (MSE Soniprep
150) and then replaced in the water bath. This step
needs to be done efficiently with a probe-type soni-
cator, particularly when the sample has a high melting
point. The sample temperature is stabilized in the
water bath for 2 min. An amount of the pancreatic
lipase enzyme (Sigma catalogue number L3126), ap-
proximately equal to the weight of TAGs used, is
added to the sample (the amount of enzyme is import-
ant). The vial is immediately capped and shaken vig-
orously in a wrist-action shaker for exactly 3.5 min
(or the time determined for each batch of enzyme
using standard TAG). Without delay, approximately
1.5 ml of cold, 2 M hydrochloric acid is added, and
the vial transferred to an ice bath and shaken. Exactly
2.0 ml of the monoheptadecanoin solution and a
further 2.5 ml diethyl ether are added and the sample
quickly inverted a few times but without vigorous
shaking. The vial is replaced in the ice bath, and the
separated upper ether layer is transferred to another
vial in the ice bath. The reaction mixture is extracted
with a further 5 ml of ether and combined with the
first on the ice bath. The combined ether extracts are
washed twice with 5-ml portions of water, and then
the ether extract is transferred to a vial containing
approximately 3.0 g of anhydrous sodium sulfate.
This is then capped and shaken to dehydrate the
0009 Isolation of monoacylglyceride (MAG) for FA an-
alysis is carried out using the following procedure.
Using either a pipette or a thin-layer chromatography
(TLC) sample applicator, the ether solution is applied
as a continuous streak 1 cm above the bottom of a
TLC plate. The plate should be 20 cm 20 cm glass
coated with a 0.5-mm-thick layer of kieselgel ’G’
(plates supplied by Anachem). This streak is focused
by developing the plate twice to 3 cm above the base
in 100% diethyl ether and air-drying the plate
between developments. The plate is fully developed
in a solvent of hexane/diethyl ether/formic acid
(60:40:1, by v/v/v). The plate is air-dried and lightly
oversprayed with 0.05% methanolic dichlorofluores-
cein. When the plate is dry, it is examined under
ultraviolet light (350 nm), and the MAG, which will
be at or just above the focused origin, is marked. (See
Chromatography: Thin-layer Chromatography.)
0010 The marked MAG band is scraped off and placed
in a 20 ml Q/Q tube, to which 7 ml of acid methano-
lysis reagent is added. After thorough mixing, this
is heated to 60
C for 1 h with occasional mixing.
Refluxing temperatures are discouraged here as vapor
locks can form in the silica bulk, causing localized
hot spots and possible decomposition of the fatty
acid methyl esters (FAMEs). Water (7 ml) and diethyl
ether (5 ml) are added, and the mixture is shaken after
cooling. The top layer is transferred to a vial contain-
ing anhydrous sodium sulfate. The sample is then
analyzed by gas chromatography. The MAG yield
can then be estimated from the internal standard
peak. The yield should be between 20 and 30% for
reliable results that will reflect the true composition
of FA on the 2 position of the TAG. (See Chromatog-
raphy: Gas Chromatography.)
Lipolysis – 1:2 and 2:3 Positions
0011The DAG is required for this procedure. It is rare for
good results for both MAG and DAG to be achieved
from a single lipolysis. This is because the technique
has to be optimized for the best yield of either MAG
or DAG with zero or the least possible amount of acyl
migration. Therefore, the lipolysis technique reported
above for 2-MAG is repeated with the following
0012The weight of lipase enzyme is reduced to one-
quarter the weight of sample TAG (e.g., 25 mg of
enzyme to 100 mg of TAG).
0013The reaction time is increased to 6 min or that time
found for each batch of enzyme using standard
0014The MAG internal standard is not used.
0015After reaction, the sample is cooled on ice and
carefully acidified to pH 2.0, then rapidly ex-
tracted into diethyl ether. The extract is washed
twice with 5-ml aliquots of cold water, keeping it
on ice as much as possible. The ether extract is
then transferred to a vial containing anhydrous
sodium sulfate, prior to TLC.
0016TLC is done as above, except that the formic acid
is replaced by 2% ammonia. The 1,2/2,3 DAG
will be found as a single band about 3 cm above
the MAG. If lipolysis has been too protracted, acyl
migration may have taken place, and two bands
will be apparent (1,2/2,3 (lower) and 1,3 (upper)
DAG). If the 1,3 DAG level is seen to be major
component, the sample lipolysis must be repeated.
The 1,2(2,3) DAG is recovered by elution from the
silica with diethyl ether and concentrated with a
stream of nitrogen.
0017The pure DAGs have to be chemically phosphoryl-
ated prior to reaction with phospholipase A, this is
done according to the Lands et al. procedure using
DAG kinase.
0018Twenty-five milligrams of the sn-1,2(2,3) DAG is
weighted into a tube; the following are then added in
sequence: 100 ml of bile salts solution (200 mg ml
5870 TRIGLYCERIDES/Characterization and Determination