fatty acid esterified in the sn-3 position, resulting in
rapid liberation of highly unpleasant-tasting and
technologically problematic butyric and caproic
acids into the media.
0023 Rheological properties of spreads are greatly
affected by the composition of raw materials, crystal-
lization of emulsion (initial and final temperature,
cooling rate, duration of crystallization), mechanical
treatments, and configuration of manufacturing
equipment. However, the polymorphism of triacyl-
glycerols also has a substantial effect on the consist-
ency and organoleptic acceptability of spreads. A
rapid cooling rate of fats with complex fatty acid
and triacylglycerol composition, e.g., milk fat, results
in the formation of a polymorphs with rather fragile
small crystals. Because of a larger mobility of mol-
ecules within the crystal lattice of the a polymorph,
triacylglycerol molecules, even with a large difference
between the chain length of acyl groups, are able to fit
into the crystal lattice, and so a large amount of fat
will crystallize initially. a crystals are very unstable
and will usually transform into more stable poly-
morphs very rapidly. A slower cooling rate of fats
with a simpler and more coherent triacylglycerol
composition, e.g, cocoa butter, favor the formation
of more stable b
and b polymorphs. Small and nee-
dlelike crystals of b
polymorph are desirable in
spreads, because they increase plasticity of the prod-
ucts. In baked products, they aid creaming by incorp-
orating large amounts of air in the form of small
air bubbles into the structure. A decrease in the
chain length variety enables the formation of a highly
ordered crystal structure, increasing the probabiblity
of crystallization of triacylglycerols straight into the
most stable b polymorph. b crystals are larger than
those of b
and may lead to undesirable sandiness in
spreads. The influence of technological modification
of food fats on polymorphism has been demon-
strated. For example, an increase in the proportion
of liquid canola oil in butterfat decreased the amount
of b
polymorph in the mixture. Further, interesterifi-
cation of butter resulted in crystallization of butterfat
in the b
polymorphic form.
0024 Marangoni and Rousseau emphasized that, al-
though the triacylglycerol structure, solid–liquid
ratio, and polymorphism greatly affect the rheo-
logical properties of spreads, the microstructure of
the fat crystals network, i.e, aggregates of fat crystals
and their interaction, is of paramount importance in
the viscoelastic properties of spreads. The elastic
properties of crystal network and of individual aggre-
gates influence the overall rheology of spreads. The
formation of large crystals and further aggregation of
the crystals in the form of spherulites (Ostwald
ripening) are energetically favorable. The differences
in aggregate formation could not be explained suffi-
ciently by changes in polymorphism. Rousseau et al.
suggested that the viscosity of the liquid phase, com-
position, and tempering have a more pronounced
effect on the aggregation of spherulites than poly-
0025The addition of milk fat or its fractions in choc-
olates or in imitation chocolates (compound coatings)
is another important application in which modifica-
tion of the composition of triacylglycerol mixture,
and hence polymorphism of triacylglycerols, has an
important role. Cocoa butter, the main component of
chocolate, with three major triacylglycerol species,
i.e., 16:0–18:1–16:0, 18:0–18:1–18:0, and 16:0–
18:1–18:0, crystallizes mainly in the b polymorphic
form and has six subforms named I–VI. The V poly-
morph is a very stable and desirable form, giving
an excellent appearance (gloss) in chocolates. Poly-
morphic transitions during storage are known to
result in bloom development, i.e., loss of the bright
glossy appearance of chocolates. Milk fat is added
to chocolate in order to prevent blooming, soften
the chocolate, and improve the flavor. The addition
of anhydrous milk fat or high-melting-point fractions
of milk fat in dark chocolate inhibits both the rate of
bloom development and the time for the onset
of visible blooming, which is most likely related to
changes in the phase behavior and crystallization kin-
etics. The softening effect of milk-fat addition is due
to the increase in the amount of stable b
resulting from the more complex triacylglycerol
structure and the increase in the proportion of low-
melting-point triacylglycerols. Up to 30% of milk fat
can be added to cocoa butter without resulting in
extreme softening.
Triacylglycerol Structure and Fat Metabolism
0026When a chiral triacylglycerol with three different es-
terified fatty acids enters the upper intestinal tract,
lingual and gastric lipases catalyze the hydrolysis of
some of the fatty acids in the sn-3 position, producing
1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol and free fatty acid. The short-
chain acyls at the sn-3 position are easily hydrolyzed
by gastric lipases. A mixture of triacylglycerol pro-
ceeds to the small intestine. Pancreatic lipase and its
colipase hydrolyze the fatty acid from the sn-1 position
of the 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol, and 2-monoacylglycerol
and free fatty acid are formed. Pancreatic lipase also
hydrolyzes the triacylglycerol that was not hydrolyzed
by the gastric lipase, slightly preferentially in the sn-1
position producing 2,3-diacyl-sn-glycerol and free
fatty acid. The 2,3-diacyl-sn-glycerol is hydrolyzed
further by carboxyl ester hydrolase or pancreatic
lipase, and 2-monoacylglycerol and free fatty acid
TRIGLYCERIDES/Structures and Properties 5867