physiological activity or even to antagonistic effects.
Of the numerous analogs synthesized so far, only
the 2-ethyl- and the 2-n-propyl homologs in the
pyrimidine moiety of the molecule show any
biological activity comparable with that of thiamin.
For example, when the 4-amino group is replaced
by a hydroxyl function, oxythiamin, one of the
most potent thiamin antagonists, is obtained. An-
other prominent antivitamin is pyrithiamin, which
contains an ethylene group instead of sulfur in the
thiazolium ring. Some thiamin antagonists have
been found to exhibit antiprotozoal activity, as in
the case of amprolium, which is effective as a
prophylactic agent for coccidiosis of fowl. Some
of the modified thiamin derivatives are shown in
Figure 3.
0016 The use of antagonists results in rapid and severe
deficiency symptoms in humans and animals. Ampro-
lium is already known to affect the absorption process
already, and this has been suggested as the mechanism
for its anticoccidial action in fowls. Other antivita-
mins appear to function at the conzyme level, i.e., they
bind to the apoenzyme, but inhibit the following en-
zymatic reaction. Nevertheless, there are several dif-
ferences in the action on neurological symptoms. Only
pyrithiamin (and not oxythiamin) can block the
action potential of a single myelinated nerve fiber. It
is also well known that only pyrithiamin produces
polyneuritis. In addition, differences in neurophysio-
logical action are caused by the different abilities of
both antagonists to cross the blood–brain barrier,
which has only been verified in the case of pyrithia-
min. However, it can be shown that the amino group
of the thiamin molecule is essential for the active
transport of the vitamin from the rat small intestine
and the formation of thiamin pyrophosphate.
Thiaminases and other Antithiamin Factors
0017 Two thiamin-cleaving enzymes have been identified,
called thiaminase I and thiaminase II.
0018 Thiaminase I is found in shellfish, clams (but not
oysters), some freshwater fish viscera, crustacea, and
certain ferns, but very few higher plants. Also, certain
species of Bacillus and Clostridium, which are com-
ponents of the human and animal intestinal flora,
have been found to produce this enzyme. The enzyme
catalyzes an exchange reaction, in which the thiazol
moiety of the molecule is displaced by another N-
containing base or a SH-compound. The effect of
this compound was first observed when silver foxes
were fed raw fish waste, resulting in a deleterious
thiamin deficiency disease called Chastek paralysis.
Thiaminase I may also be produced by the rumen
microflora of ruminants or by plants, and, in the
presence of suitable cosubstrates, e.g., niacin, or pyr-
idoxine, and certain antihelmintics, seems to be
responsible for the ruminant CNS disorder, polio-
0019Thiaminase II is of bacterial origin (predominantly
Bacillus, Candida, and Oospora) and breaks down
the free vitamin, but not the thiamin pyrophosphate,
into pyrimidin and thiazol components. More preva-
lent are thermostable thiamin-inactivating factors of
plant origin, e.g., polyphenolic substances such as
flavonoids and catechol derivatives in fermented tea,
ferns, sweet potatoes, and betel nuts, and, in small
quantities, in other leaves, fruits, and roots. These can
decompose the thiazol component of the vitamin,
accelerate the oxidation to the disulfide form, or
form unabsorbable adducts with thiamin. Rats fed
on food high in polyphenolics have been shown to
develop deficiency symptoms as a result of a marked
decrease in levels of cerebral thiamin and thiamin-
dependent enzymes. Likewise in man, high tea con-
sumption leads to a deficient thiamin status, but
ascorbic acid, if present, completely inhibits the thia-
min-inactivating processes.
Status Assessment
0020In terms of biochemical status, urinary vitamin excre-
tion and blood enzymes are suitable criteria. Urinary
thiamin excretion is, as with most B vitamins, largely
dependent on intake and therefore provides an indi-
cation of the recent dietary intake but does not ad-
equately reflect the body stores. At intake levels
below 0.5 mg of thiamin per 1000 kcal per day
(0.1 mg MJ
) thiamin excretion varies only slightly,
and the proportion of metabolites in the urine exceeds
the vitamin content itself. Because urinary excretion
follows a diurnal rhythm, 24 h urine or the creatinine
excreted is taken as the basis for status assessment.
Occasionally, the status can be interpreted more ac-
curately by a thiamin load test. After administration
of a 5-mg dose, vitamin excretion is measured for the
following 4 h. A deficient status can be assumed if less
than 20 mg is excreted during this period.
0021Erythrocytic transketolase activity (ETKA), the
rate-limiting enzyme in the pentose phosphate path-
way, and its activation coefficient, a
are often used
as an indication of functional status as they give a
better idea of body stores than urinary excretion.
According to the saturation deficit of the apoenzyme,
the transketolase activity can be stimulated in vitro by
the addition of TDP. The ratio of stimulated to basal
activity, which increases with the degree of deficiency,
indicated by the activation coefficient (AC) or a
commonly taken as a prognostic status index. The AC
is better as a comparison of status in groups, because
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