and derived aroma compound in the processed prod-
uct is rarely linear due to the various interactions that
take place during processing. Linolenic acid and 13-
hydroperoxylinolenic acid, for example, inhibit the
formation of n-hexanal from linoleic acid during
tea manufacture. In addition, the aroma compounds
formed have different boiling points, and more of the
lower boiling compounds are lost by volatilization
during processing.
Terpene Glycosides
0025 There has been considerable speculation on the mech-
anism of formation of monoterpene alcohols during
tea manufacture. It was originally thought that lina-
lool was a product of carotene degradation. Later, it
was suggested that terpene alcohols were produced
from oxygenated isoprenoid hydrocarbons. However,
it has now been demonstrated that linalool and
geraniol are hydrolytic breakdown products of b-
d-terpene glycosides during tea manufacture. Indeed,
many alcohols in the tea aroma are products of glyco-
side hydrolysis. In recent studies, several alcohol
glycosides have been isolated from tea leaves. These
include identified glycosides of 2-phenylethanol, all
the four isomers of linalool, geraniol, benzyl alcohol,
nerolidol, etc. These glycosides are hydrolyzed during
tea manufacture to form their respective alcohols.
0026 Fresh tea leaves contain appreciable amounts of pig-
ments, mainly chlorophyls and carotenes. Fresh tea
leaves contain about 1.4 mg g
dry weight chloro-
phyls a and b. During tea processing, the chlorophyls
degrade to pheophytins and pheophorbides. These
compounds play an important role in giving black
tea its shade of color. A number of breakdown
products from the phytol side-chain contribute to
the aroma complex of tea.
0027 More than 15 carotenoid pigments, dominated
by neoxanthin, violaxanthin, lutein and b-carotene,
have been identified in fresh tea leaf. These caroten-
oid compounds account for about 0.5% dry weight of
tea leaves. The carotenes decrease during tea process-
ing with the resultant production of various aroma
compounds. b-Carotene degrades to b-ionone,
whilst b-ionone, a-ionone, 3-hydroxy-b-ionone, 3-
hydroxy-5,6-epoxyionone, 3,5-dihydroxy-4,5-dihy-
dro-6,7-didehydro-a-ionone, and other terpenoid
aldehydes and ketones are degradation products
of other carotenes present in tea leaves. Dihy-
droactinidiolide, 2,2,6-trimethylcyclohexanone, 5,6-
epoxyionone, 2,2,6-trimethyl-6-hydroxycylohexa-
none, and theaspirone and possibly formed
form the primary oxidation products of carotenes,
i.e., b-ionone. b-Damascenone, a-damascone, b-
damascone, 3-oxo-b-ionone, 1,2-epoxy-1
b-ionone, loliolide, dehydrovomifoliol, and 3,
7-dimethyl-1,5-octadien-3,7-diol are speculated to be
derived from carotenes via oxidative enzymatic reac-
tions that take place during withering and fermenta-
tion, and pyrolytic reactions during firing. The
mechanisms of these reactions have, however, not
been fully worked out. The formation of these com-
pounds is affected by the amounts of catechins present,
oxidase activity, degree of mixing of the cell contents,
and concentrations of the reactants. These factors
change with degree of wither. Loss of carotenes has
been demonstrated to increase with physical withering
and fermentation process. Further pyrolytic and
photo- and/or autooxidative reactions of carotenes
occur during firing to produce more aroma com-
pounds. The compounds produced from carotenes
have a major effect on the aroma of tea. Flavory teas
are normally produced from green leaf with high car-
otene contents.
0028As research on tea aroma continues, it is inevitable
that more mechanisms and pathways for the forma-
tion of tea aroma compounds will be identified. These
will likely involve nonvolatile precursors, which cur-
rently are largely ignored with respect to tea aroma
and quality. For example, it is known that chlorophyl
degrades to phytol and other products, but the con-
tribution of chlorophyl degradation products to tea
aroma is not known.
0029Considerable research has been directed into deter-
mining how the aroma complex changes with vari-
ations in agronomic, cultural, and manufacturing
practices. Many studies have indicated the changes
that occur in aroma composition by varying one par-
ameter or the other without any attempts to quantify
and classify the contribution of the aroma com-
pounds to quality. Generally, the aroma compounds
can be classified into two groups, i.e., those although
important for the characteristic black tea smell, are
deleterious to black tea quality when present at higher
concentrations (group I compounds), and those that
impart a sweet flowery aroma to tea, the presence of
which is considered to be highly desirable (group II
compounds). The classification of aroma compounds
in group I and group II compounds has been based on
either the odor characteristics or the retention time of
the aroma compounds during gas chromatographic
analysis. The ratio of group II to group I aroma
compounds has been used to classify teas in order of
flavor quality. In other studies, the ratio of terpenoid
to nonterpenoid compounds has been used.
0030Although these ratios provide the basis of a semi-
quantitative method for classifying teas in order of
their aroma quality, the ratios must be used with
5750 TEA/Chemistry