and of the limitations on the quantity of taint that can
be isolated for identification, the analytical technique
best suited for detection and identification of taints is
high-resolution GC-MS. Detection and identification
of tainting compounds can usually be achieved using
GC-MS operated in full scan mode. However, GC-
MS operated in either the mass chromatography
mode or selected ion monitoring mode is unparalleled
in its ability to deliver both sensitivity and selectivity
of detection.
0032 Mass chromatography (MC) allows reconstruction
of the ion current profiles of selected ions as a func-
tion of time from continuously collected data. One of
the simplest uses of MC in taint studies is the location
of certain classes of compounds in complex mixtures
by looking for the presence of characteristic ions from
the total ion current trace. For example, by examining
at a resolution of 5000 the fragment ion m/z 45
) that occurs widely in both aliphatic and
aromatic sulfur compounds, it is possible to separate
this species from others of the same nominal mass
(e.g., C
) and, moreover, to detect those regions
in the chromatogram where the sulfur-containing
species occur.
0033 With selected ion-monitoring (SIM), the peak
selector of the mass spectrometer can record either
single or multiple ion characteristics of any specific
compound being searched for to provide a series of
’fragmentograms’ from separated peaks during a GC
run. By monitoring ions of one or just a few specific
masses instead of the whole spectrum, a thousand-
fold increase in sensitivity (picogram quantities) can
be attained.
0034 The successful application of GC-MS operated
in the SIM mode to the identification of taints has
been readily demonstrated by several groups of
workers, and many case histories utilizing this tech-
nique have been extensively documented in the scien-
tific literature. (See Chromatography: Combined
Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry.)
Quantification of Taints
0035 In many taint studies where only a limited quantity of
tainted food is available for analysis, quantification
of the taints by GC-MS is achieved by comparing the
SIM responses for each ion monitored with those
obtained with standard solutions of the tainting
chemical. In these cases, it is usually assumed that
complete extraction of the taint from the foodstuff
has been achieved. This highlights the major difficulty
in obtaining accurate quantification of odorants in
general and taints in particular, namely the need to
extract, enrich, and separate the taint without losses.
0036The isotope dilution assay is probably the most
precise method for quantifying minor constituents of
food such as taints. In this technique, the tainting
chemical now labeled with deuterium or carbon-13
is used as an internal standard. Since the labeled
standards have virtually the same chemical and phys-
ical properties as the taint, the overall efficiency of the
extraction and enrichment stages does not influence
the result. However, for a solid food, usually only the
extract containing the volatile fraction, and not the
food itself, is spiked with the labeled internal stand-
ard, and 100% efficiency of extraction is again
0037Despite the difficulties inherent in these method-
ologies, quantitative measurements are an essential
part of taint studies. In tandem with sensory evalu-
ation, they provide complementary data proving that
the compound identified is responsible for the taint.
0038It is important to remember that taint in foods is a
matter of perception: it is the taste/odor threshold
level of an odorant, not its presence per se, that deter-
mines if it will cause taint.
See also: Chromatography: Combined Chromatography
and Mass Spectrometry; Gas Chromatography; Quality
Assurance and Quality Control; Sensory Evaluation:
Food Acceptability and Sensory Evaluation; Aroma;
Taste; Taints: Types and Causes
Further Reading
Grosch W and Schieberle P (1991) Bread. In: Maarse H
(ed.) Volatile Compounds in Foods and Beverages, pp.
41–77. New York: Marcel Dekker.
Hirvi T and Honkanen E (1984) Selected ion monitoring
technique and sensory analysis in the evaluation of the
aroma of berries. In: Nykanen L and Lehtonen P (eds)
Flavor Research of Alcoholic Beverages, pp. 275–278.
Helsinki: Foundation for Biotechnical and Industrial
Fermentation Research.
Kilcast D (1996) Sensory evaluation of taints and
off-flavours. In: Saxby MJ (ed.) Food Taints and Off-
flavours, pp. 1–40. Glasgow: Blackie Academic &
Leland JV, Schieberle P, Buettner A and Acree TE (2001)
Gas Chromatography–Olfactometry. The State of the
Art. ACS Symposium Series 782. Washington, DC:
American Chemical Society.
Maarse H and Belz R (eds) (1981) Isolation, Separation and
Identification of Volatile Compounds in Aroma Re-
search. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.
Pawliszyn J (1997) Solid Phase Microextraction. Theory
and Practice. New York: Wiley-VCH.
Pawliszyn J (ed.) (1999) Applications of Solid Phase Micro-
extraction. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry.
Schreier P (ed.) (1984) Analysis of Volatiles – Methods.
Applications. Amsterdam: de Gruyter.
5728 TAINTS/Analysis and Identification