result in stimulation of drinking. In general, drinking
to extracellular fluid dehydration is less sensitive than
that to cellular dehydration. The reduction of ap-
proximately 10% in blood volume is usually required
to stimulate water intake, as is the case with stimula-
tion of vasopressin secretion. With larger reductions
in extracellular fluid volume, however, stimulation of
thirst and vasopressin secretion is marked. Presum-
ably, at the point where a reduction in extracellular
fluid volumes severely compromises circulatory
homeostasis, rapid restoration of blood volume be-
comes essential to insure survival.
0006 During periods of water deprivation, plasma osmol-
ality increases and extracellular fluid volume is re-
duced. It has already been emphasized that, under
normal circumstances, water is lost continually,
whereas drinking is a discontinuous process. Thus
animals are always in a situation of potentially having
to correct for dehydration by taking in fluids. In these
situations, raised plasma osmolality, or cellular dehy-
dration, is a more important input to the stimulation
of thirst than is extracellular fluid dehydration. In
primates, including humans, cellular dehydration
may make up 90% of the stimulus.
0007 The stimuli responsible for the cessation of drinking
are different from those which cause it. For example,
dogs deprived of water for 24 h will make up fluid
deficits accurately within 5 min of being allowed
access to water. During this 5-min period, there is
no correction of the raised plasma osmolality or de-
creased extracellular fluid volume as water would not
have been absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract in
sufficient quantities. Indeed, dehydrated dogs with an
open gastric fistula will drink the same amount as
intact dogs. In studies on water-deprived humans,
subjects drank 65% of their total intake within
2.5 min. The remainder of the fluid deficit was con-
sumed over a longer period of time. This satiety effect
has been noted in a large variety of species; it is
associated with a rapid inhibition of vasopressin se-
cretion, and is based on oropharyngeal and gastric
factors. However, it is only a temporary phenomenon
and, unless drinking is followed by absorption of
fluid and correction of the cellular and extracellular
dehydration stimuli, drinking will be reinitiated. (See
Satiety and Appetite: Food, Nutrition, and Appetite.)
Normal Drinking
0008 Not all water intake depends on this simple deficit–
satiety model. The water content of food, and that
provided by its metabolism, can supply significant
amounts of intake. The amount of water consumed
on each occasion can depend heavily on learning and
may be greatly influenced by other behaviors and by
social factors. In humans the situation is even more
complex and fluid may be taken in in association with
caffeine or alcohol, and depend on specific tastes,
such as sweetness, and on flavor. In spite of these
factors, however, it should be noted than on average
the kidney produces urine more concentrated than
plasma. Thus renal-concentrating mechanisms are re-
sponding to a potentially dehydrating situation. In
light of this information it might be asked why
animals are not continually drinking. The answer is
that drinking is only one of a large number of specific
behaviors which may be expressed by an animal; if it
were continually engaged in a search for water, to the
exclusion of other behaviors such as feeding or repro-
duction, the animal would be incapacitated. Presum-
ably, the inputs to thirst become more severe as
dehydration proceeds, and water-seeking behavior
moves to the top of the behavioral hierarchy and is
expressed, resulting in water intake. In the long term,
physiological control mechanisms must underpin
drinking behavior. If inadequate quantities of fluid
are taken in, particularly when urinary concentration
becomes maximal, negative fluid balance and dehy-
dration are the inevitable outcome.
Mechanisms of Thirst
0009Since the pioneering work of Verney on the location
of osmoreceptors controlling vasopressin secretion, it
has been realized that these are located in the hypo-
thalamus. It now seems clear that receptors respond-
ing to physiological changes in extracellular fluid
osmolality are located in circumventricular organs
on the anterior wall of the third cerebral ventricle.
In dogs, lesions of the organum vasculosum laminae
terminalis result in the permanent loss of drinking
behavior to increases in plasma osmolality of up to
15 mosmol kg
. In other species, another forebrain
circumventricular organ, the subfornical organ may
be involved. Circumventricular organs lack the
normal blood–brain barrier, and thus can be more
easily influenced by the composition of the blood
that perfuses them. The connectivity between the cir-
cumventricular organs and other parts of the brain
concerned with drinking behavior and secretion of
vasopressin are shown in Figure 2. The nucleus med-
ianus plays a central role in the integration of inputs
which stimulate thirst. Lesions of this region result in
the permanent cessation of drinking to any stimulus.
0010When extracellular fluid volume is reduced,
information may reach the hypothalamus in two