as a cure for asthma, earache, toothache, rheumatism,
and cough. Even today it is being used as one of the
principal ingredients of ‘gripe water’ given to small
babies with digestive troubles and recommended by
herbalists to obese persons to reduce their weight.
0024 Leek and other vegetables of the genus Allium are
known to have aphrodisiac, blood purification, and
antithrombotic properties. The antibiotic effects of
Allium are due to the occurrence of sulfur com-
pounds, the bactericide being allicin. Onion has been
prized for its medicinal significance since Gerarde. In
the Great Herbal (1596) it was stated that ‘the juice of
onions snuffed up into the nose purges the head . . .
Forged with salt, rue and honey . . . it is good against
the biting of mad dogs . . . Anointed upon a bald head
in the sun brings up the hair again very speedily.’
Onion and garlic are used as folk medicine to cure
headaches, remove parasites, and for heart and circu-
latory disorders. In China, onion tea is taken to treat
headache, cholera, fever, and dysentery.
0025 Ancient Greek and Roman physicians used to cure
jaundice, headaches, and fevers with extract of wild
lettuce leaves. The extract for the treatment of
cancers of the uterus, liver, and other tumors was
also used. Unlike its close wild relatives, the culti-
vated form Lactuca sativa does not contain the bitter
principles sesquiterpene lactones, lactucin, and lactu-
picrin, having sedative properties. The other form of
lettuce, L. virosa L., is used in the pharmaceutical
industry for manufacturing the drug lactucarium.
0026 Rhubarb was prescribed in the literature for liver
and stomach disorders and to eradicate ringworm.
In Europe towards the end of the Middle Ages a huge
demand for the purgative drug derived from its dried
roots established a steady trade from central Asia.
Use in the Home as Raw or Industrially
Processed Food
0027 Freshness contributes prominently to crispiness and
taste of the salads that are customarily consumed
uncooked and in a raw state. A small fraction of
salad vegetables is also processed to convert them
into more delicious and durable food products. Or-
dinarily carrot, radish, turnip, cauliflower, cucumber,
and chillies are used to make pickles in addition to
their use in fresh salads. Celery, lettuce, onions, and
tomatoes, the most popular and important salad
vegetables, are available throughout the year. How-
ever, due to their medicinal importance in human
diet, carrots, cabbage, lettuce, mustard, onion, rhu-
barb, spinach, and watercress are used as salad.
0028 Artichoke is generally boiled or steamed before it is
consumed. However, some people prefer to take it
raw, when it is harvested at a young stage. The
bottoms and hearts are canned, frozen, marinated,
or kept in oil, and also used to produce pulp. Inulin,
the carbohydrate stored in the Jerusalem artichoke
tubers, on hydrolysis yields fructose, and is therefore
recommended for diabetes mellitus.
0029Numerous cultivated forms of cabbage (Brassica
oleracia var. capitata), with a wide range of features,
are available in nature. One or another variety,
e.g., Spring Green, January King, Savoy, Round-
Headed, White Cabbage, and Red Cabbage, can be
made available throughout the year. These are par-
ticularly used in the frozen-food industry and in
prepared salad. Many types of Chinese cabbage are
extremely important in the diets of Asians, used raw
in salads, cooked as greens, or fermented and pre-
served for later use. Fermented Chinese cabbage or
radish, along with hot pepper, garlic, and other ingre-
dients, forms the popular Korean dish kimchi.
0030In Mexico, the USA, Chile, Brazil, Spain, Italy,
Greece, and Northern Africa, certain genera of cactus
form an important part of people’s dietary require-
ments. The tender young pads of Opuntia and
Nopalea species of cactus, known as Nopalitos, are
extensively used as fresh green or salad vegetable and
fruit in Mexico and Texas. With the excellent quality
and flavor of fresh fruits, its young leaves serve as a
nutritious vegetable and salad dish and immature
fruits for making mock-gherkins.
0031Celery, chervil, leeks, and tomatoes are used to
make delicious soups and stews. Rhubarb and toma-
toes are also used in the preparation of sauces. Cher-
vil, chicory, leeks, fringed-leaf endive, fennel leaves,
and parsley are also used to flavor and garnish the
food. Lettuce, cabbage, radish, turnip, and cucumber
are industrially fermented to lettuce kraut, sauer-
kraut, sauerriipen, pawtsay, dill pickles, sour pickles,
and salt stocks. These fermented products are rela-
tively more appetizing, palatable, and flavorful than
the unfermented ones.
0032Finely ground powder prepared from dried, roasted
chicory roots is used as a substitute of coffee or
in blends with coffee. Chicory and endive are grown
as potherbs and their leaves are used to some extent
only. Chives are used in salads or in omelets and other
dishes. A close relative of the globe artichoke, a leafy
plant known as cardoon is grown for its edible
roots, or more often for its petioles, which may be
used either as a cooked vegetable or eaten raw
in salads.
0033Parsley, being appealing in flavor and taste, may be
used both on and in most foodstuffs except sweets, as
a seasoning and garnish in soups, salads, fish, meats,
and vegetables. Its foliage is in greater demand than
its seeds. In California, USA, West Germany, Belgium,
Hungary, Canada, Spain, and France, industrial
SALAD CROPS/Dietary Importance 5045