.0007 sodium, 135–145 mmol l
0008 potassium, 3.5–5.0 mmol l
0009 calcium, 8.5–10.2 mg dl
0010 magnesium, 1.8–2.4 mg dl
Analytical Methods
0011 Many methods exist for the assay of electrolytes.
These methods include flame emission spectropho-
tometry (FES), atomic absorption spectrophotometry
(AAS), electrochemical analysis with ion-selective
electrodes (ISE), redox titration, colorimetry, and
fluorescent probes. In the clinical laboratory, the ma-
jority of the analyses are performed by FES, ISE, and
colorimetry. (See Calcium: Properties and Determin-
ation; Sodium: Properties and Determination.)
Flame Emission Spectrophotometry
0012 Flame emission spectrophometry is most commonly
used for the analysis of Na
and K
. When metals
such as Na
and K
are sufficiently heated in a flame,
they emit light of wavelengths characteristic of the
metal. The metal ions absorb heat energy, which
causes electrons to be driven out of their normal
orbital position. These excited metal atoms are said
to be in high-energy states and are very unstable.
The extra energy is given off in the form of light.
When Na
and K
are excited, they emit spectra
with sharp, bright lines at 589 and 768 nm, respect-
ively. Within certain limits, the amount of light given
off by the excited atoms is proportional to the con-
centration of the metal ions in the solution. To pre-
pare a flame emission spectrophotometer for
detecting Na
and K
, standard solutions containing
known concentrations (two levels) of these electro-
lytes are aspirated into the instrument. The digital
readout is then set to the known concentrations of
the fluid being aspirated. When the flame photometer
has been so calibrated, the fluid containing the un-
known concentration is aspirated, and the result indi-
cating the concentration is read from the digital
0013 Another FES-type system, inductively coupled
argon plasma (ICAP), utilizes the principle of atomic
emission spectrophotometry. It is similar to FES,
except that the plasma has a much higher excitation
temperature. This results in lower limits of detection,
a wide dynamic range, and virtual freedom from
chemical interference. It is possible to use ICAP for
the analysis of metals, such as sodium and potassium,
as well as many nonmetals, such as sulfur and boron;
however, Cl
cannot be assayed by using ICAP spec-
trophotometry. Although the principle of ICAP has
been used to develop automated instrumentation,
at present this system has not been used in clinical
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
0014Atomic absorption spectrophotometry is not com-
monly employed in clinical laboratories. As AAS is
much more sensitive than FES, AAS is used as a
reference method for many analytical procedures.
The principle on which AAS is based is similar to
FES. In AAS, however, the flame serves to dissociate
the element from its chemical bonds and place it in a
ground state at which it is capable of absorbing light
of a wavelength specific for the element. The method
involves using hollow cathode lamps containing
the metal of interest. The metal in the lamp is sub-
jected to an electric current, causing it to emit light at
a characteristic wavelength specific to the element in
the lamp. This light passes over a burner to a special
detector that measures emitted intensity.
0015To prepare an AAS for analyzing electrolytes, a
standard solution containing a known concentration
of the metal of interest is aspirated into the burner;
the atoms in this field absorb the light proportional
to their concentration in the fluid. The resulting
decrease in intensity of the beam of light given off
from the hollow cathode lamp is then set on a digital
readout to reflect the known concentration. Once
the instrument has been so calibrated, the unknown
fluid is aspirated, and the electrolyte concentra-
tion can be obtained from the digital display. This
method can be used in the analysis of Na
, and Mg
Ion-selective Electrodes
0016Potentiometry with ISE is a comparatively recent
development in the electrolyte analytical field. It is
the measurement of the electrical potential difference
between two electrodes, which, in contact with one or
more electrolyte solutions, form an electrochemical
cell. A high-impedance voltmeter measures the elec-
trical potential difference between the two electrodes.
Ion-selective electrodes respond preferentially to a
particular ion species in solution. Some potentiomet-
ric analytical methods use an ion-selective indicator
electrode and a reference electrode. A method de-
veloped by Eastman Kodak and used on their Ekta-
chem analyzer uses two identical ISE mounted in a
single-use disposable slide. The reference fluid con-
taining ions at fixed concentration is applied to the
reference electrode. The sample fluid is simultan-
eously applied to the indicator electrode. The two
solutions are allowed to form a liquid junction in
the bridge portion of the slide. This arrangement
constitutes a concentration cell.
ELECTROLYTES/Analysis 2037