proliferarion of vascular smooth muscle. Consider-
able in-vitro data indicate that a-tocopherol inhibits
the proliferation of smooth muscle cells. This effect
was also associated with the inhibitory effect of a-
tocopherol on protein kinase C. Thrombus formation
within the vessel lumen, an important event in patho-
physiology of cardiovascular disease, is often precipi-
tated by the adhesion and aggregation of platelets to a
ruptured atherosclerotic plaque. It has been reported
that platelet a-tocopherol content is an important
determinant in platelet responsiveness toward protein
kinase C-dependent stimuli leading to inhibition of
platelet aggregation. Moreover, platelet a-tocopherol
status appears to be important in regulating
NO and
superoxide radical production, which could also con-
tribute to inhibit platelet aggregation. Recent data
indicating that patients treated with vitamin E
showed a high risk for hemorrhagic stroke could be
related to its modulation on platelet function.
0008 The antioxidant efficacy of tocotrienols in mem-
branes is higher than that of tocopherols, in spite of
their uptake and biodistribution after oral ingestion
being lower than that of a-tocopherol. Cell-culture
studies indicate that tocotrienols inhibit cholesterol
synthesis by directly regulating the expression of
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase
(HMGR), through a posttranscriptional process in-
volving accelerated degradation of the reductase
protein. The molecular mechanism for this suppres-
sion by tocotrienols was ascribed to their side-
chain’s unique ability to increase cellular farnesol,
a mevalonate-derived product, which signals the
proteolytic degradation of HMGR. Some studies
in humans have shown that tocotrienol supplements
decreased LDL-cholesterol, apolipoprotein B (apoB),
lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)), thromboxane B
, and platelet
factor 4, suggesting hypolipidemic and antithrombo-
tic effects. However, supplementation studies with a-
tocotrienyl acetate, which is hydrolyzed, absorbed,
and detectable in human plasma, did not lower chol-
esterol in hypercholesterolemic subjects, although it
was potent in decreasing LDL oxidizability. In-vitro
studies with HepG2 cells suggest that a-tocotrienol is
effective at levels of 10 mmol l
. Interestingly, g- and
d-tocotrienol, which lack the 5-methyl substituents
present in a-tocotrienol, show a higher HMGR sup-
pression. This structure–activity relationship indicates
that in addition to the requirements of the prenyl side-
chain for HMGR supression, changes in the methyl
substitution on the chromanol ring may also lead to a
divergent effect on HMGR activity. The conflicting
results obtained in human studies might also be related
to differences in the effective concentrations in cells
necessary to inhibit HMGR. Moreover, it has recently
been found that humans do not respond uniformily to
the cholesterol-lowering action of tocotrienols, par-
ticularly when cholesterol and alcohol intakes are
not controlled. Tocotrienols, as well as other HMGR
inhibitors, lower apoB levels partly by upregulating
LDL receptors in the liver. This facilitates the liver
uptake of circulating apoB-LDL. In addition, tocotrie-
nol has been shown to increase the intracellular pro-
teolytic degradation of apoB and alter the assembly
process of VLDL. Thus, it seems that the ability of
tocotrienol to reduce apoB levels in blood plasma
depends on both the clearance rate of LDL and the
production of VLDL. A novel tocotrienol fraction
from specially processed rice bran oil enriched with
didesmethyl-tocotrienol (with no methyl group on the
chromanol ring) has been shown to decrease plasma
Lp(a). Additionally, long-term prevention studies in
humans are needed to validate this effect, which may
have important implications in the prevention of ath-
erosclerosis and thromboembolism.
0009Carotenoids Carotenoids are pigments found only
in plants and microorganisms. Most carotenoids in
the diet are provided by deeply pigmented vegetables
and fruits. Nearly 600 of these compounds have been
identified in nature. Less than 10% of the carotenoids
can be metabolized to retinol and act as vitamin A
precursors. The predominant carotenoids found in
blood plasma (i.e., about 90%) are b-carotene, lyco-
pene, lutein, b-cryptoxanthin and a-carotene. The
structure of carotenoids is a key determinant of their
physical properties, chemical reactivity, and bio-
logical functions. The unique chemical features of
each carotenoid, such as size, shape, hydrophobicity,
and polarity, determine its ability to be incorporated
into the molecular microenvironment and its bio-
logical function. Thus, when carotenoids are con-
sumed by humans from the diet, these structural
properties influence the absorption, bioavailability,
and biodistribution, and may affect their actions
at the subcellular level and on biochemical pathways.
Carotenoids exist in different geometric forms (cis-
and trans-isomers), which can be interconverted
by light, thermal energy, or chemical reactions. After
passive absorption by the enterocyte, unmetabo-
lized carotenoids are incorporated into chylo-
micra followed by the uptake of remnants by liver.
Cis-b-carotene appears in blood and tissues at signifi-
cantly lower concentrations than the corresponding
trans form, even when ingested at equivalent or
higher amounts. After absorption, the cis form of b-
carotene is converted to the trans form. This conver-
sion seems to increase the bioavailability of the trans
form at the expense of the cis form. The more non-
polar carotenoids (e.g., b-carotene, a-carotene, lyco-
pene) are predominatly within LDL. The more polar
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