1. Ferrofluids
In ferrofluids, magnetic and liquid states coexist. On
the surface, they are deceptively simple systems: a
homogeneous phase comprised of three constituents,
namely the magnetic particles, surfactant, and the
liquid carrier. However, a complex chemistry and a
balance of inter-particle forces determine the colloi-
dal stability (Rosensweig 1979). The magnetite par-
ticles must be in the range of 10 nm. The surfactant
tails should be long enough to prevent particle ag-
glomeration. Ferrofluids synthesized about 30 years
previously are still stable.
Both magnetic and liquid properties influence the
device performance. The saturation magnetization
values of commercial ferrofluids range from 0.0001–
0.1 T. Liquid properties such as viscosity, volatility,
working temperature range, environmental compat-
ibility, thermal degradation, and dielectric behavior
dictate the choice of the carrier in which the particles
are suspended. The most commonly used ferrofluids
fall in the viscosity range of 1–2000 cp at 27 1C. There
exist several different chemical families of ferrofluids
such as the petroleum oils, synthetic esters and hy-
drocarbons, perfluoropolyethers, silicones, water, or-
ganic solvents, etc. Within each family a range of
physical properties may be achieved by altering the
concentration of magnetic solids and the molecular
weight of the carrier. Thus, literally hundreds of dif-
ferent commercial magnetic colloid formulations are
2. Applications
Ferrofluids offer design solutions to a myriad of
complex engineering problems. Patents in the field
exceed 2800.
Magnetic and liquid properties in a ferrofluid, al-
though mostly independent of each other, work to-
gether to create successful products (Raj and Chorney
1998). The rotary shaft seal relies on the magnetic
properties of ferrofluid for pressure capacity, but the
liquid carrier determines the service life, operating
range, power requirement, and high vacuum perform-
ance of the product. In a loudspeaker, the magnetism
associated with the colloid simply retains the fluid in
the air gap, but the carrier provides the benefits of
damping and heat transfer. Similarly the viscosity and
lubricity of the base oil are relevant parameters for the
performance of a ferrofluid film bearing. When ferro-
fluid is used in a domain detection application, the
particles migrate through the carrier and accumulate
at the transition zones of the specimen. The carrier
subsequently evaporates making the domain bound-
aries visible in colorful patterns.
Magnetic fluids exhibit levitation phenomena, a
unique feature not found in ordinary liquids. A per-
manent magnet with density much greater than the
fluid floats in the ferrofluid (Rosensweig 1966a). A
pool of magnetic colloid exposed to a gradient mag-
netic field can suspend heavy nonferrous objects
(Rosensweig 1966b). These two principles form the
basis of several industrial devices such as dampers,
sensors, and material separators.
A list of ferrofluid applications, the types of fluids
used, and their key properties are presented in Table 2.
Devices such as seals and loudspeakers generally re-
quire ferrofluid amounts in microliters, material sep-
arators in liters and power transformers in gallons.
The multistage rotary shaft seal is the oldest and most
recognized ferrofluid-based product. This device is
used in many industries such as the semiconductor,
nuclear, aerospace, laser, and lamp manufacturing
industries. The basic construction of the seal is shown
in Fig. 1. A magnetic circuit is formed to create al-
ternate regions of high and low magnetic fields in an
air gap. The shaft is supported by two high precision
ball bearings to allow for rotation. A tooth or ridge
structure either on the pole pieces or shaft configures
the magnetic field into the desired pattern. A ferro-
fluid fills the regions of high magnetic field forming a
series of liquid O-rings with intervening annular open
spaces. Each fluid O-ring sustains a pressure differ-
ential dictated by the field strength and the magnet-
ization of the ferrofluid. The total pressure capacity
of the seal is the sum of the capacity of individual
O-rings and generally exceeds two atmospheres. The
use of a low vapor pressure ferrofluid maintains a
high vacuum integrity, up to 10
torr, in the process
chamber. The seal is leak tight, essentially nonwear-
ing and consumes low power. It is typically used in
gaseous environments but can also withstand occa-
sional liquid splashing.
An example of an application of a ferrofluid vacuum
seal is shown in Fig. 2. The seal is mounted on a ster-
ilizer and rotates an impeller at speeds of 1750–
3500 rpm inside a chamber charged with a gaseous
mixture of ethylene oxide and nitrogen at temperatures
close to ambient. The system may be used to sterilize
heart pacemakers and sutures. Due to the toxic nature
of the gas, the process must be carried out under leak-
tight conditions. To ensure personnel safety, dual
magnetic fluid seals are employed and the space be-
tween the two seals is monitored. If the process end
seal fails, escaping gas can be detected while the sec-
ondary seal prevents gas emission into the work area.
Manufacturing of integrated circuits requires that
the environments be free of any particulate contam-
inants. In Fig. 3, a coaxial seal is employed in a ro-
botic arm to transport 200 mm silicon wafers in a
cluster tool. The arm picks up wafers from a carousel
and places them sequentially at different locations.
This seal is composed of two coaxial shafts, which
provide two independent angular drive mechanisms
to the arm.
Thin profile ferrofluid seals with a typical thickness
of about 1mm are employed in computer disk drive
Ferrofluids: Applications