similar to that found for thulium, where the structure
is Q ¼2/7c*. At a temperature of T ¼25 K, the mag-
netoresistance remains unaffected along both axes
until 4 T, and thus the model of Yamada and Takada
(1973), does not apply. The resistivity increases
sharply at 4 T as erbium enters the Q ¼2/7c* phase,
this being in accordance with the removal of a por-
tion of the Fermi surface. As the field is increased
further, there is a sharp decrease in both geometries
as erbium enters the ferromagnetic phase. As in the
case at 4 K, there is no modulation of the magnetic
moment, and consequently the superzone bounda-
ries cease to exist abruptly at this boundary, whilst
increasing the available Fermi surface. There is
significant hysteresis at this transition, suggesting a
first-order transition. The results at T ¼60 K can
be understood through the model of Yamada and
Takada (1973), in which erbium is paramagnetic
along the a-axis, and therefore an applied field sys-
tematically suppresses the spin fluctuations along this
axis. This is consistent with the dominance of the
strong uniaxial anisotropy along the c-axis.
The summary of this section highlights the corre-
spondence of magnetic phase diagrams with the mag-
netoresistance of erbium. The experimental results
presented map well onto the magnetic phase dia-
grams; however, there are some differences worthy of
note. The most prominent derives from the effects of
the demagnetizing factor usually present in neutron
diffraction studies, which can be of the order 0.5,
whilst in longitudinal magnetoresistance the demag-
netizing factor can be less than 0.1. The factor results
in discrepancies of boundary position, and correc-
tions for this effect can be determined (Stoner 1945).
The low-temperature behavior of erbium is dominat-
ed by the motion of the conduction electrons in an
applied field, with the effects of Fermi-surface mod-
ification superposed. A further aspect of phase dia-
grams concerns the nature of the phase transition.
The observation of hysteresis at a transition is a
strong indication of a first-order transition, and this
can be important in some studies.
3. Concluding Remarks
The preceding sections presented a series of results
for the rare earths, chosen to exhibit different an-
isotropy and exchange. In both cases it has been
possible to apply some form of Eqn. (2), incorporat-
ing the superzone effects through Eqn. (4) as for the
c-axis of thulium and erbium. There is, however, one
proviso in the case of erbium. Eqn. (4) requires the
inclusion of a temperature dependence in G
represents the effects of the Fermi surface on the re-
sistivity (Ellerby et al. 2000). In addition to this, the
a-axis of erbium appears to lose a small portion of the
Fermi surface in the cycloidal phase. This is recov-
ered on entry into the cone phase at T ¼20 K (Fig. 1).
Indeed, Eqn. (2) is particularly versatile in its ability
to describe excitations in magnetic systems, and may
also be used to analyze systems exhibiting gaps in the
spin-wave spectrum.
There were two sets of canonical behavior ob-
served in the magnetoresistance. The first concerned
the prominent correlation for the c-axis modulated
structures (CAM) of thulium and erbium. The second
was found in the magnetoresistance for the ‘‘fan’’
phase in erbium and exhibited in the a-axis measure-
ments a T ¼4 K. This behavior has also been ob-
served in the resistivity for the holmium b-axis in the
‘‘fan’’ phase, where there is quadratic collapse in the
resistivity associated with the collapse of the ‘‘fan.’’
These responses may be added to the schema derived
by Yamada and Takada (1973), to understand the
magnetoresistance in spin-flop systems, and the in-
fluence of spin/moment fluctuations in ferromagnetic
and paramagnetic materials. In both systems dis-
cussed, the influence of the magnetic superzones
(Mackintosh 1962, Elliott and Wedgwood 1963,
Miwa 1963) was found to be of prime importance
in the study of the c-axis of these elements. This is
true for many of the heavy rare-earth elements.
In comparing results of magnetoresistance with
those of neutron diffraction studies, caution is re-
quired. In the neutron diffraction studies there is of-
ten a large contribution to the position of the phase
boundary coming from the demagnetizing field. This
can lead to ambiguities. Furthermore magnetoresist-
ance, whilst being one of the most sensitive probes of
magnetic systems, can often fail to reveal subtle
changes in structural modulation; this is the case with
incommensurate structures. Magnetoresistance can
only assist in a qualitative fashion when composing
magnetic phase diagrams, and will provide allu-
sions as to the type of magnetic structure. However,
accurate positions of the phase boundaries may
be derived, particularly when using a longitudinal
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