II. Risk 9. Capital Budgeting and
There is a good review article by Rubinstein on the application of the capital asset pricing model to
capital investment decisions:
M. E. Rubinstein: “A Mean-Variance Synthesis of Corporate Financial Theory,” Journal of Fi-
nance, 28:167–182 (March 1973).
There have been a number of studies of the relationship between accounting data and beta. Many of
these are reviewed in:
G. Foster: Financial Statement Analysis, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs,
N.J., 1986.
244 PART II Risk
is a dangerous procedure. In principle, each project should be evaluated at its own
opportunity cost of capital; the true cost of capital depends on the use to which the
capital is put. If we wish to estimate the cost of capital for a particular project, it is
project risk that counts. Of course the company cost of capital is fine as a discount
rate for average-risk projects. It is also a useful starting point for estimating dis-
count rates for safer or riskier projects.
These basic principles apply internationally, but of course there are complications.
The risk of a stock or real asset may depend on who’s investing. For example, a Swiss
investor would calculate a lower beta for Merck than an investor in the United States.
Conversely, the U.S. investor would calculate a lower beta for a Swiss pharmaceuti-
cal company than a Swiss investor. Both investors see lower risk abroad because of
the less-than-perfect correlation between the two countries’ markets.
If all investors held the world market portfolio, none of this would matter. But there
is a strong home-country bias. Perhaps some investors stay at home because they re-
gard foreign investment as risky. We suspect they confuse total risk with market risk.
For example, we showed examples of countries with extremely volatile stock mar-
kets. Most of these markets were nevertheless low-beta investments for an investor
holding the U.S. market. Again, the reason was low correlation between markets.
Then we turned to the problem of assessing project risk. We provided several
clues for managers seeking project betas. First, avoid adding fudge factors to dis-
count rates to offset worries about bad project outcomes. Adjust cash-flow forecasts
to give due weight to bad outcomes as well as good; then ask whether the chance of
bad outcomes adds to the project’s market risk. Second, you can often identify the
characteristics of a high- or low-beta project even when the project beta cannot be cal-
culated directly. For example, you can try to figure out how much the cash flows are
affected by the overall performance of the economy: Cyclical investments are gener-
ally high-beta investments. You can also look at the project’s operating leverage:
Fixed production charges work like fixed debt charges; that is, they increase beta.
There is one more fence to jump. Most projects produce cash flows for several
years. Firms generally use the same risk-adjusted rate to discount each of these
cash flows. When they do this, they are implicitly assuming that cumulative risk
increases at a constant rate as you look further into the future. That assumption is
usually reasonable. It is precisely true when the project’s future beta will be con-
stant, that is, when risk per period is constant.
But exceptions sometimes prove the rule. Be on the alert for projects where risk
clearly does not increase steadily. In these cases, you should break the project into
segments within which the same discount rate can be reasonably used. Or you
should use the certainty-equivalent version of the DCF model, which allows sepa-
rate risk adjustments to each period’s cash flow.
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