INDEX 1067
debt valuation and, 686–689, 690
dividends in, 608–609
option values at a glance, 607–609
put options, 572
risk and, 581–582, 593–595
simple option-valuation model,
stock value and, 577–582
Options, 561–664; see also Convertible
bonds; Option pricing models;
Real options; Stock options;
commodity, 563
currency, 563
default puts, 573–575
interest-rate, 563
spotting, 575–576
Orange County, California, 364–365, 897n
Order cost, 890
Original issue discount (OID) bonds,
Orr, D., 892n, 903
Orvice, V., 914n
Overconfidence bias, 359
Overhead, in net present value analysis, 122
Over-the-counter (OTC) market, 60,
393, 405
Owers, J., 971n
Pacific Gas & Electric, 65n, 502, 719
PacifiCorp, 932
Pacman defense, 947
Pagano, M., 406n
Palepu, K. G., 367, 367n, 439, 439n, 832n,
839, 955n
Panetta, F., 406n
Paramount, 950
Parkinson, K. L., 903
Parrino, R., 989
Parsons, J., 777
Partch, M. M., 369n, 441n
Participations, 868
Partnerships, 5, 5n, 388, 404, 978–979
Patell, J. M., 353, 353n
Payback period, 93, 94–96
application of, 95
determining, 94
payback rule and, 95–96
Payback ratio, 66
Pay-in-kind (PIK) bonds, 718
Payment float, 882
Payout fixed by contract, 546
Payout ratio, 66, 445, 829; see also Dividend
policy, controversy concerning
Pecking order of financing choices,
financial slack, 514–515
impact of asymmetric information,
implications of, 513–514
Penn Central, 893
Pennzoil, 24n
Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation, 720
in calculating economic income, 330
in common stock valuation, 60–80
compound interest and, 40–45
current versus future consumption and,
justification of, 22
of long-lived assets, 33–36
in Monte Carlo simulation, 266
net present value, 15–21
net present value rule, 17, 18–22, 93
nominal interest rates and, 45–46,
opportunity cost of capital and, 17–18
of perpetuities, 37–38
rate-of-return rule, 17, 21
rates of return and, 15, 16–17
real interest rates and, 45–46
risk and, 15–16
Present value of growth opportunities
(PVGO), 71–74
in business valuation, 78–79
calculating, 72–73
defined, 71
example growth opportunities, 73–74
Price-earnings ratio (P/E), 829
defined, 75, 823
horizon value based on, 77–78
Primary issues, 393; see also Initial public
offerings (IPOs)
Primary markets, 59, 393
Principal, 47
Principal-agent problem, 8, 23
Private benefits, 317, 386
Private equity partnerships, 978–979
Private placements, 419–420, 713–714
Privatization, 973
Privileged subscription issues, 421–422
Probabilities, beliefs about, 359
Procter & Gamble, 1
Procurement, 631
Production option, 272–273, 630–634
Profitability index, 93, 106–107
Profitability measures, 321–334
biases in, 326–329, 331–333
calculating, 329–334
economic value added (EVA), 322–325
errors in, 333–334
net return on investment, 321–322
Profitability ratios, 823, 828–829
Profit diagrams, 569, 570
Profit maximization, 22, 24n
Progress payments, 909–910
Project authorizations, 312
Project beta, 222–223
Project cost of capital, 222–223
Project finance, 540, 714–717
Project interactions, 136–139
fluctuating load factors, 138–139
optimal timing of investment, 137–138
Project life, abandonment value and, 629
Project risk, 222–223, 998
Prospectus, 407, 410, 422–425
Prowse, S., 982n, 989
Proxy contests, 386
Proxy fight, 946–947
Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust, 389
Public corporations, 3–4
Percentage-of-sales model, 832–834
Performance measurement, 321–334
accounting measures of performance,
stock price in, 320
Perks, 317
Perotti, E., 989
Perpetuities, 37–38
defined, 37
valuation of growing, 37–38, 64
Petersen, M. A., 919n, 921
Pfizer, 196, 222–223, 233–234, 491–493, 497,
508, 510
Pharmacia, 971
Philip Morris, 325, 431, 971
Phillips, G., 972, 972n, 973n
Phillips Petroleum, 948–949, 967
Pickens, Boone, 947–949, 967
PIK (pay in kind), 965
Pillsbury, 75
Pindyck, R. S., 279, 630n, 636, 763n
Pinkerton, J., 353n, 354n
Pinnacle West Corp., 65–67
Pisapia, R. J., 888n
Playing for time game, in financial
distress, 505
Playing the float, 883
Plowback ratio, 66
Pogue, G. A., 839, 866n, 873
Pohlman, R. A., 335
Poison pill defense, 949, 950
Poison-put clauses, 713, 950
Portfolio beta, 226
Portfolio insurance, 361
Portfolio performance, historic, 154–157
Portfolio risk, 153–179
calculating, 169–172
diversification and, 165–168, 171–172,
historic performance of capital markets
and, 153–160
individual securities and, 172–177
measuring, 160–168
Portfolio theory, 187–194
borrowing and lending in, 192–194,
developing portfolios, 188–192
efficient portfolios in, 191–194,
196–197, 204
standard deviation and, 187, 193n,
variance and, 189n
Position diagrams, 566, 567, 568–570, 575
Postaudits, in capital budgeting process,
Poulsen, A., 949n
Pratt & Whitney, 120–121
Preferred stock, 231n, 389
convertible, 649
floating-rate, 899–900
Prescott, E. C., 158n, 204n
Present value, 14–21; see also Net present
value (NPV)
of annuities, 38–40
best interests of shareholders and, 23–25
in bond valuation, 47–49
calculating, 14–15