1058 INDEX
Beta continued
equity, 549
hedging, 773
impact of borrowing on, 197–198
industry, 226
market risk and, 173–174
past returns in estimating, 225
portfolio, 226
portfolio risk and, 174–177, 195–205
project, 222–223
relevering, 535
setting discount rates without
calculating, 234–238
unlevering, 535
Bhagat, S., 971n
Bhandari, J. S., 724, 724n
Bhattacharya, S., 457
Bhutto, Benazir, 716
Biddle, G. C., 368, 368n
Bierman, H., 140, 745, 916n
Billington, Corey A., 632
Binomial method of option pricing, 596–602
Black-Scholes model and, 606
decision trees and, 601–602
defined, 596
general binomial method, 601
two-stage, 596–601
using, 625–626, 626–628
Biogen, 301
B.J. Services, 643–645
Black, B., 405n
Black, Fischer, 199n, 200n, 201n, 212, 452,
452n, 457, 564n, 583, 591, 592, 610,
647n, 705n, 997
Black box, nature of, 255
Black Monday (1987), 165, 361–362
Black-Scholes option pricing model,
602–607, 997
binomial method and, 606
development of, 602–604
to estimate variability, 606–607
using, 604–605, 618–622
for warrants, 644–648
websites, 664
Blake, C. R., 355n
Blockbuster, 944
Blue-sky laws, 407
Boardman, A., 501n
Board of directors
mergers and, 946–953
monitoring of agency costs, 317–318
role of, 4, 7, 23
voting procedures and, 385–388
Bodie, Z., 82, 333n, 336
Boeing, 192, 360, 943
Boesky, Ivan, 953
Bognanno, M. L., 320n
corporate; see Corporate bonds
riskiness of, 164n
Treasury; see Treasury bonds
Bond ratings, 684–685, 706, 751, 911–912
Bond valuation
default risk in, 153–154, 683–692
indexed bonds, 668–669
inflation in, 668–671
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM),
195–205, 995–996, 999
alternatives to, 205–210
arbitrage pricing theory (APT) versus, 206
assumptions behind, 202–203
capital structure and, 227–231
cost of equity capital and, 224–227
defined, 195
equity beta and, 549
estimates of expected returns in,
195–196, 226–227
opportunity cost of capital and, 549
review of, 196–197
security market line and, 195, 197–198
tests of, 199–202
weighted average cost of capital and, 549
Capital budget
defined, 311
investments outside, 312–313
postaudits, 313–314
project authorizations, 312
Capital budgeting, 5, 7; see also Capital
budgeting problems; Capital
budgeting and risk; Investment
decisions; Net present value
(NPV), investment decisions and
book rate of return in, 93–94
capital rationing in, 105–109
information needed for, 314–316
internal rate of return in, 93, 96–105
net present value analysis in, 91–94,
payback period in, 93, 94–96
process for, 311–314
Capital budgeting problems, 255–342; see
also Net present value (NPV),
investment decisions and
capital investment process, 311–314
decision trees, 268–278
forecasting economic rents, 292–303
incentives, 316–320, 448
information needed by decision makers,
market values in assessing, 287–292
Monte Carlo simulation, 263–268
performance measurement, 321–334
real options, 268–278, 617–636
sensitivity analysis, 255–262
Capital budgeting and risk, 220–244
capital structure and, 227–231
company cost of capital, 222–223,
discounted cash flow and, 239–243
measuring cost of equity capital,
project cost of capital, 222–223
setting discount rates without
calculating beta, 234–238
Capital gains taxes, 435, 448–452
Capital investments, 94
Capitalization rate, in common stock
valuation, 64–65
Capital markets, 5n
historic performance of, 153–160, 194
reconciliation of current and future
consumption, 19–21
interest rates in, 47–49, 668–683
option pricing models in, 686–689, 690
present value formulas in, 47–49
term structure of interest rates in,
671–674, 678–683
websites, 150
Bookbuilding, 412–413
Book depreciation, 330, 333
Book rate of return, 93–94
Book-to-market effect, 202n
Book-to-market ratio, 202, 202n
Book value, 330, 820
Bootstrap game, in mergers, 936
Borison, A., 636
Borrowing and lending; see also Debt
financing; Financing decisions
banks and, 394–395
in capital structure, 227–231
internal rate of return and, 98–99
in portfolio theory, 192–194, 197–198
Borucki, L. S., 68n, 82, 223n
Bower, J. L., 316, 316n, 335
Boyco, M., 973n
Brattle Group, Inc., 67n
Break-even analysis, 259–262
defined, 259
operating leverage and, 261–262
Break-even cash flow, 543–544
Break-even points, 261–262
Brealey, R. A., 681n, 724, 836
Breeden, Douglas T., 203, 212
Brennan, Michael J., 449n, 457, 636, 656n,
658, 709n, 710n, 724, 763n
Bridge loans, 867
Brigham, E., 440n
Brown, G. W., 807
Brown, K. C., 900n
Brown, S. J., 353n
Bruner, R., 958
Buffett, Warren, 302–303, 934n
Burlington Industries, 966n
Burrough, B., 958, 965n, 989
Business risk, opportunity cost of capital
and, 549–550
Business valuation process
discounted cash flow (DCF) in, 75–80
websites, 150
Bussard, R. N., 866n, 873
Butler, G. F., 631n, 633n
Cadillac, 287–288
California Air Resources Board (CARB),
Call options, 564–566
relationship between put prices and,
selling, 568
valuation of, 572
Call protection, 653
Call provisions, 708–710
Campbell, J. Y., 680n, 694
Campeau Corporation, 686, 967