11.3 Behaviour near a resonance 433
propagation and are the source of inaccuracies in constructing the density profile.
Fluctuations with short scale length give rise to destructive interference; however,
unless the plasma is in a highly turbulent state it is usually possible to unfold a
density profile, albeit at the cost of reduced resolution.
11.3 Behaviour near a resonance
Resonances are less straightforward to deal with than cut-offs since the essential
physics governing the resonance has to be incorporated to obtain physically mean-
ingful results. Whereas waves undergo reflection at cut-offs, resonances are char-
acterized by absorption of the wave energy by the plasma. As the wave approaches
a resonance, n = ck/ω →∞so that the wave is refracted toward the resonant
surface and reaches it at normal incidence. Since condition (11.5) is increasingly
well satisfied, no reflection occurs. What happens to the energy carried by the
wave to the resonance (or R-point)? In the strict cold plasma limit, this energy
could only be stored in the form of currents, resulting in the non-physical limit
of increasingly large rf power density. However in real plasmas, finite temperature
ensures that the refractive index of the plasma remains finite even at a resonance. In
warm plasmas, the consequent damping, however small, means that some heating
takes place. Even in the cold plasma limit where there is no dissipation, a small
amount of damping, ν, has to be introduced into the analysis in order to move
the singularity at the resonance (ω
(z) − ω)
off the real axis and so determine
how the solution is to be continued around the singularity. In physical terms, if
one examines the transport of wave energy to the resonance, the time required to
approach the R-point varies as ν
. In hot plasmas Coulomb collisions near the
resonance are ineffective as an agent for energy dissipation so that an alternative
means is needed. This alternative is provided by linear mode conversion which
converts the incident wave to a warm plasma wave. Thus as well as C-points and
R-points we now identify X -points, in the neighbourhood of which linear mode
conversion takes place.
An issue of importance in discussing resonances in inhomogeneous plasmas
is the question of their accessibility. In the radiofrequency heating of laboratory
plasmas a wave is launched from an antenna configuration outside the plasma and
propagates to a region within the plasma where the resonance is sited. Formally,
the resonance is accessible if k
(z)>0 at all points on the density profile below
the resonant density. However, if a C-point is present en route to the R-point then
reflection there will prevent the wave from reaching the resonance. One important
exception to this appears in cases where the cut-off and resonance stand back-to-
back. Between cut-off and resonance the wave is evanescent (k
(z)<0). If the
separation between the points is not too great some fraction of the incident wave