450 Aspects of inhomogeneous plasmas
11.6 Radiation from Langmuir waves
In this section we consider a laser–plasma interaction in the presence of a density
gradient so steep that WKBJ theory cannot be relied on to provide insights into the
physics. The interaction in question is one in which Langmuir waves are coupled to
the radiation field. Although longitudinal and transverse modes are always coupled
in inhomogeneous plasmas, the coupling is generally weak for plasmas in thermal
equilibrium. However, in plasmas in which a non-thermal spectrum of Langmuir
waves is excited, steep density gradients may lead to significant radiation from the
plasma over a narrow band around the plasma frequency.
Radiation by Langmuir waves first attracted attention in attempts at interpreting
the characteristics of certain types of emission from the Sun, in particular type III
solar radio noise. One of the striking characteristics of type III emission spectra is a
drift in frequency over time, predominantly from high to low frequencies. Not only
is the bandwidth narrow but in many instances a second harmonic band is observed.
These characteristics along with the sudden onset of the emission, are consistent
with a conjecture put forward by Wild (1950) to interpret type III emission. The
sequence of events starts with bursts of energetic electrons produced in solar flares
injected into the chromosphere, travelling outwards through the corona exciting
Langmuir waves in the coronal plasma. The sudden onset of type III bursts is
consistent with a threshold set by the collisional damping of Langmuir waves
in the colder and denser chromospheric plasma. Likewise the bandwidth of the
emission should reflect the narrow bandwidth of the Langmuir waves determined
by Landau damping. Wild’s original conjecture has since been supported by the
direct observation of both electron beams and the Langmuir waves they generate,
from satellite observations of type III bursts (see Lin et al. (1986)). The appearance
of a second harmonic in some, though by no means all, recorded type III spectra
is another signature pointing to Langmuir waves as the source of the emission. By
and large more is known about the excitation phase in which suprathermal levels of
Langmuir waves are generated, than the coupling phase, in which electrostatic en-
ergy is converted into radiation, with the generation of both a fundamental plasma
line and its second harmonic.
In a very different corner of parameter space, high intensity laser interactions
with dense plasmas afford another example of Langmuir waves coupling to the
radiation field. These interactions lead to jets of energetic electrons which can
excite suprathermal levels of Langmuir waves in the superdense plasma which
in turn may radiate in the very steep density gradients present. The fact that this
radiation is generated at the plasma frequency which, for sufficiently overdense
plasmas, is far above that of the incident light suggests that plasma emission may,
under suitable conditions, have potential as a source of XUV light.