426 Aspects of inhomogeneous plasmas
to heating tokamak plasmas and the whole concept of inertial containment fusion
is based on coupling laser energy to the target plasma. In general, radiation has to
propagate to a resonance where it can be absorbed so accessibility is an important
issue in inhomogeneous plasmas. The next stage of the heating process involves
the transfer of electromagnetic energy to the plasma across the resonant region
by means of mode conversion. Mode conversion describes the coupling of waves
which individually satisfy distinct dispersion relations over a range of parameter
space but which are coupled across some region. WKBJ analysis breaks down in
a region of mode conversion. The second case-history we examine deals with the
coupling of a longitudinal mode in the form of a Langmuir wave to a transverse
electromagnetic wave in the presence of a steep density gradient.
In the second limit kL 1. Under these conditions the change in plasma
density is so steep that the inhomogeneity may sometimes be treated as a sharp
boundary and jump boundary conditions applied. However, in other cases the
physics of the boundary layer is important in characterizing the physics overall.
Plasmas close to material boundaries often display sharp spatial variation even if
relatively homogeneous outside these boundary layers. The importance of such
regions was first recognized by Langmuir who showed that for plasmas in contact
with a material surface, the interface between plasma and surface takes the form of
a sheath several Debye lengths thick. This comes about on account of the greater
mobility of electrons over ions that allows a negative potential to be established
across the sheath. Most electrons are therefore reflected back into the plasma from
the sheath.
11.2 WKBJ model of inhomogeneous plasma
The most widely used model for describing wave characteristics in non-uniform
plasmas is the WKBJ approximation, developed independently by Wentzel,
Kramers, and Brillouin to solve Schr
odinger’s equation for quantum mechanical
barrier penetration. J recognizes the contribution of Jeffreys who had earlier devel-
oped the same approximation, albeit in a different context. The physical appeal of
the WKBJ approximation is intuitive in that it is only a step beyond the familiar
territory of a plane wave solution.
To keep the discussion as simple as possible consider electromagnetic wave
propagation in an isotropic plasma in which the density varies spatially along Oz.
For a linearly polarized transverse wave the electric field E (in the Oxy-plane)
+ k
(z)E = 0 (11.1)