11.4 Linear mode conversion 439
Table 11.1. Transmission (T ), reflection (R) and mode conversion (C)
coefficients for modes incident from right (r) and left (l) of the cut-off
resonance pair. Note η
= πχ
/|a − b|.
= e
= 0 C
= 1 − e
= e
= (1 − e
= e
(1 − e
coupling coefficient χ may be taken to be both spatially uniform and symmetric
between the modes is unlikely to be generally valid.
11.4.1 Radiofrequency heating of tokamak plasma
One important application of mode conversion is found in radiofrequency (rf)
heating of plasmas, particularly in tokamaks. We saw in Chapter 1 that the tem-
perature corresponding to the optimum reaction rate for D–T fusion lies in the
region 10–20 keV. The tokamak current heats the plasma through ohmic heating
(typically to temperatures of a few keV) but as the temperature rises, ohmic heating
becomes less and less effective and on its own is unable to heat the plasma to the
stage where alpha particle heating can sustain fusion. Additional power is needed
and this auxiliary heating in tokamaks is provided by neutral beam injection and rf
heating. In schemes for rf heating, power is fed into the plasma from waveguides
mounted in the wall of the torus. This power has then to be transported to the
R-point deep inside the plasma so that the issue of accessibility is critical to the
success of this form of heating. Various frequency ranges are used, including both
ion and electron resonances. Ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) operating
in the range of a few tens of MHz has produced up to 16 MW of power in
To illustrate the importance of accessibility of the R-point consider a simple
model for electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH), in which an rf wave is
launched in the mid-plane of the torus, from either the inside or outside edge.
Typically ECRH operates at frequencies across the range 30–150 GHz. The plasma
density varies approximately parabolically across the torus, while the toroidal mag-
netic field varies as 1/R. Since the wavelength of the electron cyclotron mode is
typically much less than the scale length of the tokamak plasma, a WKBJ repre-
sentation will be valid except at a cut-off and in the neighbourhood of a resonance.
Away from a resonance, wave propagation is adequately described by the cold
plasma, Appleton–Hartree dispersion relation so that we may make use of the CMA
diagram, introduced in Section 6.3.4. Figure 11.6 corresponds to regions 1, 3 and 5