“Dopadi” (Devi) 116
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Mikhaylovich 98,
123–125, 136, 366
A Double Life (Pavlova) 344
Double Persephone (Atwood) 32
Down There (Là-bas) (Huysmans)
Le Drageoir aux épices (A Dish of Spices)
(Huysmans) 213
Dragon Beard Ditch (Lao) 256
The Dragon’s Village (Chen) 91
Dramatic Actions (video) 253
Drayman Henschell (Fuhrman Henschell)
(Hauptmann) 196
A Dream (Musset) 308
The Dreamers (Davis) 4
The Dreaming Youth (Kokoschka) 244
Dream of Fair to Middling Women
(Beckett) 45
Dream of the Red Chamber (Cao Xueqin)
Dream on Monkey Mountain (Walcott)
A Dream Play (Strindberg) 416–417
Dreams (Träume) (Eich) 131
Dreams of a Rainbow (Kauraka) 237
Dreams of Georgia (Akhmadulina) 10
Dream-Stories (Brathwaite) 59
Dreamtime 3
Die drei Sprünge des Wang-lun (The Three
Leaps of Wang-lun) (Döblin) 122
Drifting Clouds (Hayashi Fumiko) 198
Das dritte Buch über Achim (The Third
Book about Achim) (U. Johnson) 229
Driven by the Light of the Night
(Tsushima) 431
“The Drover’s Wife” (Lawson) 259
The Drowned and the Saved (Levi) 262
“The Drowning of an Old Cat” (Huang
Chunming) 211
The Drum Singers (Lao) 256
The Drunkard (L’Assommoir) (Zola) 462
The Dry Heart (Ginzburg) 168
Dry Valley (Bunin) 70
A Dry White Season (Brink) 65
Du, Nguyen. See Nguyen Du
Dubliners (Joyce) 418
Ducasse, Isadore-Lucien. See Lautréamont,
comte de
Dudintsev, Vladimir Dmitrievich
Duino Elegies (Rilke) 370
Der dünkel Vogel (The Dark Bird)
(Burkart) 70
Dupin, Amandine-Aurore-Lucile. See
Sand, George
Duras, Claire de 126
Duras, Marguerite 127–128, 321
Durgesnandini (Cattopadhyay) 81
Dürrenmatt, Friedrich 128
Dusklands (Coetzee) 97
Duval, Jeanne 41
Dvärgen (The Dwarf) (Lagerkvist) 250
The Dwarf (Dvärgen) (Lagerkvist) 250
Early Sorrows (Kisˇ) 242
Earthchild, with Brain Surgery (Anyidoho)
Earth Erect (Popa) 352
Earth’s Enigmas (Roberts) 373
East, West (Rushdie) 377
Eclipse of the Stars (Sternverdunkelung)
(Sachs) 379
Eco, Umberto 129–130
écriture feminine 143
Ecue-Yamba-O! (Carpentier) 78
Edible Woman (Atwood) 32
Edouard (C. Duras) 126
L’Éducation sentimentale (Flaubert) 148
Efuru (Nwapa) 328–329
The Ego and the Id (Freud) 152
Ehrenburg, Ilya Grigoryevich 130
Eich, Günter 9, 130–131, 183
The Eight Names of Picasso (Alberti) 13
El Saadawi, Nawal. See Sadawi, Nawal
“Ela” (Machado de Assis) 267
Elektra (Hofmannsthal) 207
Elements of a Dream (Jaccottet) 224
The Elephant (Slon) (Mroz
ek) 304, 405
Die Elephantenuhr (The Elephant Clock)
(Höllerer) 209
Eleutheria (Beckett) 46
Elías Sourasky Prize in Letters 79
“Éloge de la Créolite” (Chamoiseau,
Confiant, and Beranbé) 85
Éloges (Perse) 348
Else Lasker-Schuler Prize 243
Elsewhere, Perhaps (Oz) 337
Éluard, Paul 107, 131–132
Elytis, Odysseus 132
Emecheta, Buchi 133
The Emigrants (Lamming) 254
Emperor Shaka the Great (Kunene) 246
Empire of Dreams (Braschi) 57
En route (Huymans) 213
En Route (Sargeson) 386
L’enchanteur pourrissant (The Rotting
Magician) (Apollinaire) 23
Enchi, Fumiko 134
“Encounter with the Ancestors” (Kunene)
Endgame (Fin de partie) (Beckett) 45
Les Enfants du Sabbat (The Children of the
Sabbath) (Hébert) 200
Les Enfants terribles (The Incorrigible
Children) (Cocteau) 96
The Engineer of Human Souls (S
English, August: An Indian Story
(Chatterjee) 88
Englishmen, Frenchmen, Spaniards
(Madariaga) 269
The English Patient (Ondaatje) 334–335
English Poems (Pessoa) 349
The English Teacher (Narayan) 313
The Enigma of Arrival (Naipaul) 311
Enriquillo (Galván) 219
L’Envers et l’endroit (The Wrong Side and
the Right Side) (Camus) 74
The Envoy from Mirror City (Frame) 151
Enzensberger, Hans Magnus 134
The Epic of Gallipoli (Dag˘larca) 108
The Epic of Sheik Bedrettin (Hikmet) 204
Epic of the Three Martyrs (Dag˘larca) 108
Epitaph for the Young (Walcott) 446
An Equal Music (Seth) 398
The Erasers (Robbe-Grillet) 372
L’ Ere de soupçon (The Age of Suspicion)
(Sarraute) 387
Eros at Breakfast (Davies) 112
Éros dans un train chinois (Eros in a
Chinese Train) (Dépestre) 114
Eros in a Chinese Train (Éros dans un train
chinois) (Dépestre) 114
Esenin, Sergey. See Yesenin, Sergey
Esmond in India (Jhabvala) 226
España (Madariaga) 269
Espinet, Ramabai 135
L’Espoir (Days of Hope) (Malraux) 278
Espronceda y Delgado, José de 135–136
Essai historique, politique, et moral sur les
révolutions anciennes et modernes
(Historical, Political, and Moral Essays
on the Ancient and Modern Revolutions)
(Chateaubriand) 87
Essays on the Greek Style (Dokimes)
(Seferis) 394
The Essential Gesture: Writing, Politics, and
Places (Gordimer) 177
Es steht geschrieben (It Is Written)
(Dürrenmatt) 128
The Estate (Singer) 403
The Estate and Other Poems (Brasch) 57
Esther May Bedford Prize 317
Été (Summer) (Camus) 74
The Eternal Feminine (Castellanos) 79
Eternity to Season (Harris) 193
Ethics of Ambiguity (Beauvoir) 43
Étincelles (Sparks) (Dépestre) 114
Etna-Taormina literary prize (Italy) 12
L’Étoile vesper (Colette) 99
L’Étranger (The Stranger) (Camus) 74, 82
L’Étre et le néant (Being and Nothingness)
(Sartre) 388–389
“Etroits sont lea vaisseaux” (“Narrow are
the Vessels”) (Perse) 348
L’Étudiant Noir (The Black Student)
(newspaper) 84, 317, 396
Eugene Onegin (Pushkin) 358–359
Eurydice (Anouilh) 22
Eva Luna (Allende) 16
490 Encyclopedia of World Writers, 19th and 20th Centuries