Sahitya Akademi Award 166, 236, 313
Sa’id, Ali Ahmad. See Adonis
Said, Edward 352
The Sailor from Gibraltar (Le Marin de
Gibraltar) (M. Duras) 127
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de 380–381
Saint-Genet, Comédien et Martyr (Saint
Genet, Actor and Martyr) (Sartre) 389
Saint-John Perse. See Perse, Saint-John
Une Saison à Rihata (A Season in Rihata)
(Condé) 101
Salammbô (Flaubert) 148
Saleh, Tayyib 381–382
Salman the Solitary (Kemal) 239
Salteron trilogy (Davies) 112
Salzburg Tales (Stead) 413
Samman, Ghada 382
“Samnuk Khong Pho Thao” (“The Old
Man’s Conscience”) (Dhammachoti)
San Camilo 1936 (Cela) 82
Sancho Saldaña o el castellano de Cuéllar
(Sancho Saladaña of the Spaniard of
Cuélar) (Espronceda) 135–136
Sand, George 308, 383–384
Sandglass (Gunesekara) 186
Sangre y arena (Blood and Sand) (Blasco)
San Juan, Epifanio 382–383
SANLAM First Prize 317
Saramango, José 384–385
Sardines (Farrah) 142
Sardonic Tales (Villiers) 444
Sargeson, Frank 385–386
Sarmiento, Félix Rubén García. See Darío,
Sarraute, Nathalie 321, 386–387
Sartre, Jean-Paul 42, 137, 387–389
The Satanic Verses (Rushdie) 377
Satan in Goray (Singer) 403
The Satin Slipper (Claudel) 95
Satura (Montale) 301
Satyagraha in South Africa (Gandhi) 157
Satyanarayana, Visvanatha 389–390
Savacou (journal) 100
Savci’ya (To the Public Prosecutor)
(Dag˘larca) 108
The Saved Earth (Die gerettete Erde)
(Burkart) 70
Scandinavian literature 52, 189–191,
216–217, 251, 416
scapigliatura 390
The Scapigliature and February 6th
(Arrighi) 390
Scarlet Song (Bâ) 35
Scent of Eucalyptus (Quasimodo) 360
Schädelbasislektion: Gedichte (Basal Skull
Lesson: Poems) (Grünbein) 182
Scherzer, Rosalie. See Ausländer, Rose
Schiller, Friedrich von 171, 207, 374,
Schiller Prize 153
Schindler’s Ark (Keneally) 239–240
Die Schlafwandler (The Sleepwalker)
(Broch) 66
Schlonsky Prize 365
Schmitz, Ettore. See Svevo, Italo
School Days (Chemin d’école)
(Chamoiseau) 85–86
Schwarz-Bart, Simone 392
“schweigen” (“Silence”) (Gomringer) 173
The Screens (Genet) 164
“Scribblings in the Margins of the
Notebook of Defeat” (Kabbani) 231
Sea of Death (Amado) 17
Sea Grapes (Walcott) 447
The Seagull (Chekhov) 89, 90
Seamarks (Amers) (Perse) 348
Search Sweet Country (Laing) 252
A Season in Hell (Rimbaud) 145, 371
A Season in Paradise (Breytenbach) 63
A Season in Rihata (Une Saison à Rihata)
(Condé) 101
Season of Adventure (Lamming) 254
Season of Migration to the North (Saleh)
The Sea Wall (Un Barrage Contre le
Pacifique) (M. Duras) 127
Second Birth (Pasternak) 341
Second Class Citizen (Emecheta) 133
Second National Poetry Prize 415
The Second Sex (Beauvoir) 42–43, 143
Second Symphony (Bely) 48
The Secret: New Poems (Akhmadulina)
The Secret Ladder (Harris) 193
The Secret Life of Sa’eed, the Ill-Fated
Pessoptimist (Habibi) 188
The Secret of Heaven (Himlens Hemlighet)
(Hagerkvist) 250
Secret Rendezvous (Abe) 2
“The Secret Room” (Robbe-Grillet) 373
Secrets of the Self (Asrar-i-Khudi) (Iqba¯l)
Secular Love (Ondaatje) 334
Seferiadis, Giorgos. See Seferis, George
Seferis, George 94, 393–394
Ségou (Condé) 101
Seifert, Jaroslav 394
Seis poetas de lengua inglesa (Six Poets
Writing in English) 150
Selected Poems (Breton) 62
Selected Works (Akhmadulina) 10
Sembéne, Ousmane 395
Senghor, Léopold Sédar 396
Césaire and 84
Diop, Birago, and 120
Diop, David, and 120
in Négritude 317
postcolonialism of 353
El Señor Presidente (Asturias) 72
“Separate Ways” (Higuchi) 204
“Les Séparés” (“Apart”) (Desbordes-
Valmore) 115–116
Septemberlyran (September Lyric)
(Södergran) 407
Serbian literature, Popa in 351–352
Serote, Mongane Wally 397
Servitude et grandeur militaires (The
Military Necessity) (Vigny) 443
Sessiz Ev (The Silent House) (Pamuk)
Sestiger group 65
Seth, Vikram 397–398
Seven Dada Manifestos (Tzara) 434
Seven Days Darkness (Gunnarsson) 187
Seven Gothic Tales (Dinesen) 118
Seven Poor Men of Sydney (Stead) 413
“Seventeen” ‘e 331
The Seventh Day (Lasker-Schüler)
Sextet on the Six Days (Sudasiyat al-ayyam
al-sitta) (Habibi) 188
The Shadow (Pérez Galdós) 347
Shadow Lines (Ghosh) 166
Shadows (Collymore) 100
Shakespeare Wallah (film) 226
Shalamov, Varlam 398–399
Shame (Rushdie) 377–378
“Sharing a Husband” (Ho) 205
Shazaya wa ramad (Shards and Ashes)
(Mala’ika) 274–275
She Came to Stay (Beauvoir) 43
The She-Wolf (Verga) 442
Shifu, You’ll Do Anything for a Laugh (Mo)
Shiga, Naoya 399
Shiina Minako. See O
ba Minako
Shinkankakuha (Neo-Perceptionists)
movement 238
Shinshicho¯ (New Tides) (Akutagawa) 12
Ships in the Sky (Gunnarsson) 187
Shi’r (journal) 8
Shiwei, Wang 406
The Shock of Modernity (Adonis) 8
Sholokhov, Mikhail 400
Short Stories (Calvino) 73
Shu Qingchun. See Lao She
A Shuttle in the Dark (Solyinka) 409
Siddhartha (Hesse) 203
Sido (Colette) 99
Sienkiewicz, Henryk 400–401
Sierrade Teruel (Malraux) 278
“Silence” (“schweigen”) (Gomringer) 173
The Silence of Love (Han) 191
The Silent Cry (‘e) 332
The Silent House (Sessiz Ev) (Pamuk) 339
Simenon, Georges 401
Simon, Claude 321, 402
“Sin and Death in French Poetry since
Baudelaire” (Ionesco) 219
Singer, Isaac Bashevis 402–403
Singing from the Well (Arenas) 26
506 Encyclopedia of World Writers, 19th and 20th Centuries