particularly if there is significant delay in delivering the sub-
cutaneous regular insulin injection. Subcutaneous rapid-
acting (regular or analogue) insulin is also best injected
before a meal, and the insulin infusion can be halted once the
meal begins. The bolus of regular insulin thus will be deliv-
ered at a physiologically appropriate time, and the meal will
help to compensate for any error of excess in estimating the
regular insulin dosage at that time.
Split-dose insulin therapy with a combination of regular
and NPH insulin before breakfast and dinner can be started
as soon as the diabetic ketoacidosis has resolved and the
patient is able to eat. The total daily dose can be similar to pre-
hospital doses in patients with known diabetes; in newly diag-
nosed patients, regular insulin can be given before meals and
at 12 midnight using a sliding scale for 24 hours. The total
dose required then can be used to calculate split-dose therapy,
giving two-thirds of the total dose in the morning and one-
third in the evening. NPH insulin usually constitutes two-
thirds of the morning dose and three-fourths of the evening
dose, with the remainder in each case being regular insulin.
D. Potassium Replacement—Usual potassium deficits in
diabetic ketoacidosis have been estimated to be approxi-
mately 300 meq, but the deficit may be as much as 1000 meq.
This total body potassium deficit is the result of combined
renal losses owing to osmotic diuresis and potassium shifts
from intracellular to extracellular fluid that lead to further
loss through the kidneys.
If the patient is normokalemic or hypokalemic at presen-
tation, potassium replacement should be started when
insulin therapy is initiated. If the serum potassium level is
high, potassium therapy should be started only after insulin
therapy is begun and with the second liter of fluid replace-
ment. If treatment is necessary before the serum potassium
level is reported, epidemiologic data provide a basis for
determining the frequency of serum potassium abnormali-
ties (see Tables 26–5 and 26–6). Most patients initially have
either normal or high serum potassium levels; however, up to
20% of patients will have hypokalemia at the outset. In this
last group of patients, insulin infusion alone (without potas-
sium replacement) will exacerbate the hypokalemia, with
potentially severe consequences. In contrast, the fear of giv-
ing potassium to normokalemic or hyperkalemic patients is
mitigated by the effects of the concomitant insulin infusion,
intracellular rehydration, and rise in pH. Thus, if the serum
potassium concentration is unknown, the ECG does not
demonstrate hyperkalemic changes, and the patient is pro-
ducing adequate amounts of urine, potassium infusion
should be started at the same time insulin therapy is begun.
Potassium replacement is started by the addition of
potassium chloride 20–40 meq/L to the fluid replacement
solution. Potassium phosphate also may be given (alternating
with potassium chloride) if phosphate repletion is necessary.
Subsequent potassium replacement depends on the results of
serum potassium determinations, which should be done at
2-hour intervals throughout the period of management of
diabetic ketoacidosis. In addition, electrocardiographic
follow-up with single-lead measurement is a useful way of
monitoring serum potassium for gross hyperkalemia or
hypokalemia so that emergency treatment can be initiated if
necessary. It should be kept in mind that even while replace-
ment of potassium is taking place, continuing potassium
losses occur in the kidney throughout the period of manage-
ment of diabetic ketoacidosis. For this reason, serum potas-
sium measurements also should be obtained daily once the
patient is no longer ketotic. A total body deficit of potassium
may persist despite initial correction of serum potassium,
and oral potassium replacement therapy should be given to
patients who continue to be hypokalemic.
E. Bicarbonate—Acidosis generally resolves with insulin ther-
apy and metabolism of keto acids. In most cases of diabetic
ketoacidosis, it is not necessary to treat acidemia with bicar-
bonate. Recent studies have demonstrated that bicarbonate
therapy does not alter the eventual outcome of diabetic
ketoacidosis, nor does it increase the rate at which pH is cor-
rected. In fact, some have found a counterproductive effect of
sodium bicarbonate in the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis.
Clinical and animal studies have shown that bicarbonate
administration actually may increase ketone production.
Recent data suggest also that in children with diabetic ketoaci-
dosis, the mean duration of hospitalization for those receiving
bicarbonate was 23% longer than that of children who did not
receive bicarbonate. Lastly, a multicenter retrospective study of
the risk factors associated with cerebral edema in children with
diabetic ketoacidosis found that the relative risk of cerebral
edema was 4.2 in children treated with bicarbonate compared
with a matched control group that did not receive bicarbonate.
Bicarbonate therapy also has been associated with hypocal-
cemic tetany, decreased tissue oxygen delivery, a paradoxical
fall in pH of the cerebrospinal fluid, rebound alkalosis, greater
potassium needs, and sodium overload.
However, when pH values are extremely low, concern
about the hazards of acidemia begin to outweigh the con-
cerns with alkali therapy. Therefore, at a pH of less than 7.0,
particularly in a patient who is very ill, many clinicians will
administer bicarbonate. The effects of low pH are a negative
inotropic effect on the heart, vasodilatation, cerebral depres-
sion, insulin resistance, and depression of enzyme activity. If
treatment with bicarbonate is begun, the American Diabetes
Association (ADA) recommends that 100 mmol of sodium
bicarbonate should be added to 400 mL of sterile water and
given at a rate of 200 mL/h in severe acidosis (pH <6.9). In
patients with a pH of 6.9–7.0, 50 mmol of sodium bicarbon-
ate should be diluted in 200 mL of sterile water and infused
at a rate of 200 mL/h.
In general, taking into account the hazards of treatment,
the hazards of acidemia, and the probable benefits of bicar-
bonate administration, it is not necessary to treat routinely
with bicarbonate.
F. Phosphate Replacement—The routine administration of
phosphate in the management of diabetic ketoacidosis remains