246 6 Electronics for Drift Chambers
fluctuations and related pulse-height fluctuations. On the other hand, a broader band-
width will increase the noise and a lower threshold will increase the noise jitter
because of the parabolic shape of the signal. The compromise between these two
tendencies will define the optimum amplifier peaking time, which will again be of
the order of a few times t
Finally we note that the slope of the signal at the threshold crossing time k
= nk
measures the number of electrons that have contributed to the signal, and by using
this information we can improve the time resolution. The slope can, for example,
be measured by a second threshold (Fig. 6.52) or by a device that measures the
signal charge in a short time interval following the threshold crossing time. This
technique is known as amplitude and rise time compensation and allows extraction
of the optimum time information from the signal.
6.6 Three Examples of Modern Drift Chamber Electronics
In this last section we present some front-end electronics examples that are being
used in large detector systems. We discuss an amplifier for time measurement used at
rates up to 15 MHz, an amplifier for charge measurement in a cathode strip chamber,
and a front-end system for a TPC.
6.6.1 The ASDBLR Front-end Electronics
The ASDBLR (amplifier shaper discriminator baseline restorer) chip [BEN 96] is an
eight-channel front-end chip developed for readout of the ATLAS [ATL 94] transi-
tion radiation tracker [AKE 04]. The chip is implemented in a radiation hard bipolar
process. The tracker consists of almost half a million drift tubes of 4 mm diame-
ter with a 30-
m-diameter anode wire. A xenon-based gas mixture at a gas gain
of ≈ 2 ×10
is used. The goal is a spatial resolution of better than 150
treme rates of up to 15 MHz. To cope with this high rate, unipolar signal shaping
was chosen. The ASDBLR circuit is based on a front-end described in [FIS 85], and
the equivalent block diagram is equal to the one shown in Fig. 6.27 top. It consists
of a large bandwidth preamplifier with 1 ns rise time followed by a unipolar shaper
(n = 3) that provides a peaking time of t
= 8ns. The preamp input impedance of
= 295
is matched to the characteristic impedance of the drift tube, which rep-
resents a capacitance of C
≈ 12pF. A double pole-zero network cancels the signal
tail. In order to provide the baseline stability at the very high rates, the shaper is
followed by a fast (nonlinear) baseline restoration circuit using diodes. For very
small signals, the BLR acts like a CR differentiation circuit and produces a bipolar
output. As the shaper signals grow in magnitude, the exponential behaviour of the
diodes causes the undershoot to rise logarithmically with the pulse height, which
results in a unipolar signal shape. With this signal processing chain, the return to