210 The derivation of results
not normally preserved and output after the refinement, so only approx-
imate s.u.s can be calculated using parameter s.u.s alone. The approxi-
mationwill be a particularlypoorone when symmetry-equivalent atoms
are involved, e.g. for a bond across an inversion centre, or an angle at
an atom on a mirror plane.
Note that any parameter that is varied in the least-squares refine-
ment will have an associated s.u., and any parameter that is held fixed
will not. Usually, the three co-ordinates and six anisotropic U
(or one
isotropic U) for each atom are refined, and each has an s.u. Symmetry
may, however, require that some parameters are fixed, because atoms
lie on rotation axes, mirror planes or inversion centres; in this case, the
s.u. of such a fixed parameter must be zero. This has an effect on the
s.u.s of bond lengths and other geometry involving these atoms, which
will tend to be smaller than they would be for refined parameters. If
a co-ordinate of an atom has been fixed in order to define a floating
origin in a space group with a polar axis (better methods are used in
most modern programs), the effect will be to produce artificially better
precision for the geometry around this atom.
Parameters that are equal by symmetry must have equal s.u.s. This
applies both to the primary refined parameters (for example, atoms in
certain special positions in high-symmetry space groups have two or
more equal co-ordinates and relationships among some of the U
ponents), and also to the geometrical parameters calculated from them.
A good test of the correctness of the calculation of geometry s.u.s by
a program is to compare the bond lengths and their s.u.s for atoms in
special positions in trigonal and hexagonal space groups!
If a bond length (or other geometrical feature) has been constrained
during refinement, the s.u. of this bond length must necessarily be zero,
even though the two atoms concerned will, in general, have non-zero
s.u.s for their co-ordinates; this is a consequence of correlation: the
covariance terms exactly cancel the variance terms in calculating the
bond length s.u. from the co-ordinate s.u.s. A good example of such a
situation is the ‘riding model’ for refinement of hydrogen atoms, where
theC–H bond is held constant in length and direction during refinement.
The C and H atoms have the same s.u.s for their co-ordinates (because
they are completely correlated), and the C–H bond length has a zero s.u.
By contrast, restrained bond lengths do have an s.u., because the restraint
is treated as an extra observation and the two atoms are actually refined
normally. It is instructive to compare the calculated bond length and its
s.u. with the imposed restraint value and its weight, to see how valid
the restraint is in the light of the diffraction data.
For a group of atoms refined as a ‘rigid group’, all internal geometrical
parameters will have zero s.u.s. The actually refined parameters are the
threeco-ordinates for some defined point in the group (usually one atom
or the centroid) and three rotations for the group as a whole. Thus, dif-
ferent atoms in the group should have different co-ordinate s.u.s (this
is not the case with some refinement programs, which do not calcu-
late these s.u.s correctly), and, once again, the effects of correlation and