184 Refinement of crystal structures
operator. The two most troublesome pseudo-operators are a false cen-
tre of symmetry, and a false translation of about
2 parallel to a cell
axis. Both cases lead to normal matrices showing high correlation
between pairs of parameters. For the pseudo-centre, the refinements
often seem to proceed satisfactorily, and it is only at the evaluation
stage that the problems become evident. Symptoms are adps for equiv-
alent atoms unsatisfactory in complementary ways (e.g. one set large,
the other small) and bond lengths are similarly unsatisfactory. Pseudo-
translational symmetry is even more pernicious, since it leads to 50%
of the data being systematically weak. The situation can generally be
controlled by restraints or constraints.
Therearepairs of spacegroupsthatareindistinguishable fromthesys-
tematic absences alone, e.g. Pnma and Pn2
a. Occasionally the structures
will not solve in the centrosymmetric space group, but solve easily in the
non-centrosymmetric group.
Unless one has good reason to expect the
This is especially true for P1/P1, where
truly centrosymmetric structures may
solve only in P1. The analyst then simply
has to apply suitable translations to put the
latent centre of symmetry at the origin, and
change the space group back to P
formation of a chiral crystal structure, the structure should be reviewed
carefully. Symptoms that the space group symmetry is too low are as in
(i) above.
13.8 Conclusion
Refinement in the sense of both choosing what parameters to optimize,
and obtaining the best parameter values, is frequently a tedious and
a not very cost-effective procedure. Much more time can be spent fid-
dling about with a disordered side chain or solvent than was spent in
determining the gross structure. Before getting too involved in this unre-
warding task, make an effort to try to display and carefully look at the
electron density in the problematic region. It may be that there is no
useful atomic parameterization for the time and space averaging that
occurred during the experiment. If the issue is really important, look for
a better crystal, handle it carefully, cool it slowly to the lowest tempera-
ture you can achieve, and take care to optimize the data collection and
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