14.4 Structure validation 195
wave with λ = 3a, then this can easily be seen to cause a tripling of the
a-axis. In a diffraction pattern one would expect extra reflections to be
observed at points in reciprocal space between the original reflections
(withindicesnh/3, k, l comparedtotheoriginal subcell reflections).What
if the sine wave describing the structural displacements is not exactly
λ = 3a but λ ∼ 3a? The basic structure of the material produced(Fig. 14.5
right) is clearly very similar to that in Fig. 14.5 left. However, the unit
cell of the material is no longer a simple multiple of the original subcell.
One would again expect to see extra superstructure reflections, but they
would no longer appear at simple rational positions between the subcell
reflections. It might be that one can approximate the system by choosing
a very large supercell. For example, in Fig. 14.5 one could approximate
the superstructure using a
= 10a
. However, this is clearly a rather
inelegant approach as one now has a large unit cell requiring a large
number of atoms in the asymmetric unit. There is a more natural lan-
guage to describe such systems – that of ‘incommensurately modulated
structures’ – which can be used to describe either positional or com-
positional fluctuations in materials. This language views the periodic
superstructure merelyas aspecialcase of the moregeneral phenomenon.
More detailed information can be found in a number of places, but is
beyond the scope of this text.
14.4 Structure validation
Assuming that one has successfully solved the structure of an inorganic
material, how can one be sure it is correct? For small-molecule work an
experienced crystallographer will know that a C–C bond length should
be about 1.54 Å, and C=C 1.34 Å; for more exotic distances one can eas-
ily consult the Cambridge Structural Database (Allen, 2002). Distances
significantly different from those expected would immediately cause
concern about the structural model. For inorganic materials such com-
parisons are harder. Co-ordination environments are far less regular,
the range of possible environments is larger, different oxidation states
of elements have different geometric preferences, and there is no direct
equivalent of the CSD to consult.
Whilst simple structural considera-
There are inorganic databases available
such as the ICSD, PDF-4 and Pauling file,
but they are not as readily interrogated as
the CSD. Inorganic structures can be read
into CSD software to provide searchable
databases but one should always be aware
of bias in the data. How does one take
account of the fact that, e.g., TiO
113 times in the database when trying to
decide an average Ti–O distance for a range
of materials?
tions using ionic radii (the sets derived from those initially published
by Shannon and Prewitt in 1969 are the the most widely used; see, for
example, Shannon, 1976) are possible, they are often not desperately
One relatively straightforward approach is to make use of the bond-
valence concept popularized by Brown and Altermatt (1985), which
builds on ideas originally applied to metals and intermetallics by Paul-
ing in 1947. The basis of the approach is that each bond from atom i to
atom j is assigned a valence v
such that the sum of valences for bonds
from a given atom equals its total valence, V (=v
). The most widely
used expression for the dependence of bond valence on bond length is:
= exp[(R
− d
)/b]. (14.1)