214 The derivation of results
hydrogen bonding is sometimes postulated when the experimental
precision simply does not support it.
Secondly, hydrogen atom positions determined by X-ray diffraction
do not correspond to true nuclear positions, because the electron den-
sity is significantly shifted towards the atom to which the hydrogen
atom is covalently bonded. Thus, typical bond lengths for freely refined
atoms are around 0.95 Å for C–H and under 0.90 Å for N–H and O–H,
whereas true internuclear distances, obtained by spectroscopic meth-
ods for gas-phase molecules, or by neutron diffraction, are over 0.1 Å
longer. In hydrogen bonding, the hydrogen atom lies roughly between
its covalently bonded atom and the electronegative atom in a D–H…A
arrangement, so a significant shortening error in the D–H bond length
means an incorrectly long H…A distance. This is another reason why
these distances should be interpreted with caution.
Thirdly, hydrogen atoms are constrained (or restrained) in many
structure determinations, and their positions are, therefore, to a large
extent dictated by pre-conceived ideas. Hydrogen bonding of any sig-
nificance is likely, however, to perturb hydrogen atoms from ‘expected’
For these reasons, the D…A distance may often be a better (or at least
a safer) indication of hydrogen bonding. In any case, possible hydrogen
bonding that does not fit in with widely recognized patterns should be
examined very carefully before it is presented to the public (Taylor and
Kennard, 1984)!
15.5 Displacement parameters
Although the major interest in a structure determination usually cen-
tres on the geometry, derived from the atomic positions, the primary
results also include the so-called ‘thermal parameters’. It has been
suggested that these describe not only the time-averaged temperature-
dependent movement of the atoms about their mean equilibrium
positions (dynamic disorder), but also their random distribution over
different sets of equilibrium positions from one unit cell to another,
representing a deviation from perfect periodicity in the crystal (static
disorder) which is not great enough to be resolved into distinct alter-
native sites), and so they should rather be called ‘atomic displacement
parameters’. Arefreshingly readable account has been written for a gen-
eral chemical audience, and is strongly recommended (Dunitz et al.,
1988). See also Downs (2000).
Interpretation and analysis of displacement parameters is not often
undertaken. One reason is that various systematic errors in the data,
inappropriate refinement weights, and poor aspects of the structural
model all tend to affect these parameters, whereas the atomic positions
are much less perturbed (fortunately!). Thus, the ‘anisotropic tempera-
ture factors’ of a structure are often regarded as a sort of error dustbin,
and their physical significance is questionable unless the experimental
work is of good quality.