15 Scale Effect in Mechanical Properties and Tribology 831
Scale dependence for the ratio of the flash temperature rise to the amount of heat
generated per unit time per unit area, for a given sliding velocity, as a function of
scale, is presented in Fig. 15.24, based on (15.76),for the high-speed and low-speed
cases. For the empirical rule dependence of roughness parameters, the results are
shown for m = 0.5, n = 0.2.
15.8 Closure
A model,which explainsscaleeffects in mechanical properties(yield strength,hard-
ness, and shear strength at the interface) and tribology (surface roughness, contact
parameters, friction, wear, and interface temperature), has been presented in this
Both mechanical properties and roughness parameters are scale-dependent. Ac-
cording to the strain gradient plasticity, the scale dependence of the so-called geo-
metrically necessary dislocations causes enhanced yield strength and hardness with
decreasing scale. The shear strength at the interface is scale dependent due to the
effect of dislocation-assisted sliding. An empirical rule for scale dependence of the
roughness parameters has been proposed, namely, it was assumed, that the standard
deviation of surface height and autocorrelation length depend on scale according to
a power law when scale is less than the long wavelength limit value.
Both single asperity and multiple asperity contacts were considered. For mul-
tiple asperity contacts, based on the empirical power-rule for scale dependence of
roughness, contact parameters were calculated. The effect of load on the contact
parameters was also studied. The effect of increasing load is similar to that of in-
creasing scale because it results in increased relevance of longer wavelength details
of roughness of surfaces in contact.
Duringsliding,adhesionand two- andthree-bodydeformation,as well asratchet
mechanism, contribute to the friction force. These components of the friction force
depend on the relevant real areas of contact (dependent on roughness, mechanical
properties, and load), average asperity slope, number of trapped particles, and rele-
vantshear strength duringsliding. The relevantscaling length is the nominal contact
length – contact diameter (2a) for a single-asperity contact, only considered in ad-
hesion, and scan length (L) for multiple-asperity contacts, considered in adhesion
and deformation.
For the adhesional component of the coefficient of friction, the shear yield
strength and hardness increase with decreasing scale. In the case of elastic con-
tact, the real area of contact is scale independent for single-asperity contact, and
may increase or decrease depending on roughness parameters, for multiple-asperity
contact. In the case of plastic contact, enhanced hardness results in a decrease in
the real area of contact. The adhesional shear strength at the interface may remain
constant orincrease with decreasingscale, due to dislocation-assisted sliding (or mi-
croslip).The model predicts that the adhesionalcomponentof the coefficient of fric-
tion may increase or decrease with scale, depending on the material parameters and
roughness. The coefficient of friction during two-body deformation and the ratchet