804 Bharat Bhushan and Michael Nosonovsky
During sliding, dislocations must be generated at the interface with a certain
critical density η
= η
. The corresponding shear strength during sliding can be
written following (15.9) as
= τ
1+ (l
/a) , (15.13)
= cGb
is the shear strength during sliding in the limit of a l
Equation (15.13) gives scale-dependence of the shear strength at the interface
and is based on the following assumptions. First, it is assumed that only disloca-
tions in the interface zone of thickness D, given by (15.11), contribute into sliding.
Second, it is assumed, that a critical density of dislocations at the interface η
required for sliding. Third, the shear strength is equal to the Peierls stress, which is
related to the volume density of the dislocations ρ = η/D according to (15.4), with
the typicaldistance between dislocations s = 1/
ρ. It is noted,that proposedscaling
rule for the dislocationassisted sliding mechanism (15.13)has a similar form to that
for the yield strength (15.9), since both results are consequences of scale dependent
generation and propagation of dislocations under load [20].
15.4 Scale Effect in Surface Roughness and Contact Parameters
During multiple-asperity contact, scale dependence of surface roughness is a factor
which contributes to scale dependence of the real area of contact. Roughness par-
ameters are known to be scale dependent [16], which results, during the contact of
two bodies, in scale dependence of the real area of contact, number of contacts and
mean contact size. The contact parameters also depend on the normal load, and the
load dependence is similar to the scale dependence [23]. Both effects are analyzed
in this section.
15.4.1 Scale Dependence of Roughness and Contact Parameters
A random rough surface with Gaussian height distribution is characterized by the
standard deviation of surface height σ and the correlation length β
[16]. The corre-
lation length is a measure of how quickly a random event decays and it is equal to
the length, over which the autocorrelation function drops to a small fraction of the
value at the origin. The correlation length can be considered as a distance, at which
two points on a surface have just reached the condition where they can be regarded
as being statistically independent. Thus, σ is a measure of height distribution and
is a measure of spatial distribution.
A surface is composed of a large number of length scales of roughness that are
superimposed on each other. According to AFM measurements on glass-ceramic