826 Bharat Bhushan and Michael Nosonovsky
experiments. The contribution of wear and contamination particles is more signifi-
cant at macro/microscalebecause of larger numberof trapped particles (Fig. 15.15).
It can be argued, that for the nanoscale AFM experiments the contacts are predom-
inantly elastic and adhesion is the main contribution to the friction, whereas for the
microscale experiments the contacts are predominantly plastic and deformation is
an important factor. Therefore,transition from elastic contacts in nanoscale contacts
to plastic deformation in microscale contacts is an important effect [23].
According to (15.29), the friction force depends on the shear strength and a rel-
evant real area of contact. For calculation of contact radii and contact pressures,
the elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and hardness for various samples, are required
and presented in Table 15.2 [50–55]. In the nanoscale AFM experiments a sharp tip
was slid against a flat sample. The apparentcontact size and mean contact pressures
are calculated based on the assumption, that the contacts are single asperity, elastic
contacts (contact pressures are small compared to hardness). Based on the Hertz
equation [47], for spherical asperity of radius R in contact with a flat surface, with
an effective elastic modulus E
, under normal load W, the contact radius a and mean
apparent contact pressure p
are given by
a =
, (15.66)
. (15.67)
The surface energy effect [16] was neglected in (15.66) and (15.67), because the
experimental value of the normal adhesion force was small, compared to W [5].
The calculated values of a and p
for the relevant normal load are presented in
Table 15.2 [23].
In the microscale experiments, a ball was slid against a nominally flat surface.
The contact in this case is multiple-asperity contact due to the roughness, and the
contact pressure of the asperity contacts is higher than the apparent pressure. For
calculation of a characteristic scale length for the multiple asperity contacts, which
is equal to the apparent length of contact, (15.66) was also used. Apparent radius
and mean apparent contact pressure for microscale contacts at relevant load ranges
are also presented in Table 15.2 [23].
A quantitative estimate of the effect of the shear strength and the real area of
contact on friction is presented in Table 15.3. The friction force at mean load (aver-
age of maximum and minimum loads) is shown, based on the experimental data
presented in Table 15.2. For microscale data, the real area of contact was estimated
based on the assumption that the contacts are plastic and based on (15.33) for mean
loads given in Table 15.2. For nanoscale data, the apparent area of contact was on
the order of severalsquare nanometers, and it was assumed that the real area of con-
tact is comparable with the mean apparent area of contact, which can be calculated
for the mean apparent contact radius, given in Table 15.2. The estimate provides
with the upper limit of the real area of contact. The lower limit of the shear strength
is calculated as friction force, divided by the upper limit of the real area of con-