13 Computer Simulations of Nanometer-Scale Indentation and Friction 689
13.4.1 Bare Surfaces
Sliding friction that takes place between two surfaces in the absence of lubricant is
termed “dry” friction even if the process occurs in an ambient environment. Simple
modelshavebeen developedto modeldrysliding friction that,for example,consider
the motion of a single atom over a monoatomic chain [178]. Results from these
models reveal how elastic deformation of the substrate from the sliding atom affects
energy dissipation and how the average frictional force varies with changes in the
force constant of the substrate in the direction normal to the scan direction. Much
of the correct behavior involved in dry sliding friction is captured by these types
of simple models. However, more detailed models and simulations, such as MD
simulations, are required to provide information about more complex phenomena.
MD simulations have been used to study the sliding of metal tips across clean
metal surfaces by numerous groups [168,179–183]. An illustrative case is shown in
Fig. 13.30 for a copper tip sliding across a copper surface [168]. Adhesion and wear
occur when the attractive force between the atoms on the tip and the atoms at the
surface becomes greater than the attractive forces within the tip itself. Atomic-scale
stick and slip can occur through nucleation and subsequent motion of dislocations,
and wear can occur if part of the tip gets left behind on the surface (Fig. 13.30). The
simulations can further provide data on how the characteristic ‘stick-slip’ friction
motion candepend on theareaof contact,the rate of sliding, and thesliding direction
(Fig. 13.31).
An additional study of stick-slip in the sliding of much larger, square-shaped
metal tips across metal surfaces was carried out by Li et al. [184] using EAM poten-
tials. The initial structure of a NiAl tip and surface system is shown in Fig. 13.32.
This study predicted that collective elastic deformation of the surface layers in re-
sponse to sliding is the main cause of the stick-slip behavior shown in Fig. 13.33.
The simulations also predicted that stick-slip produces phonons that propagate
through the surface slab.
Large-scale simulations using pairwise Morse potentials that are similar in form
to (13.6) were used to study the wear of metal surfaces caused by metal tips that
Fig. 13.30. Snapshot from
a molecular dynamics simu-
lation of a copper tip sliding
across a Cu(100) surface.
A connective neck between
the two is sheared during the
sliding, leading to wear of
the tip. The simulation was
performed at a temperature
of 0 K. After [168] with the
permission of the APS (1996)