13 Computer Simulations of Nanometer-Scale Indentation and Friction 721
Bond order
(10,10) nanotube
In registry slide
Out of registry slide-r
Fig. 13.68. Dynamics of a nanotube on a graphite surface. When the nanotube and graphite
plane are out of registry, the nanotube slides as it slows down from an initial impulse (upper
right panel). When the nanotube is oriented such that it is in registry with the graphite, it
slows by a combination of rolling and sliding
tip indicates that bundles of single-wall carbon nanotubes can be induced to roll in
a manner that is similar to the rolling observed for multiwall nanotubes.
MD simulations by Ni et al. [270, 271] considered the responses of horizon-
tally and vertically aligned single-wall carbon nanotubes between two hydrogen-
terminated diamond surfaces, where the top surface is slid relative to the bottom
surface. The movementof the carbon nanotubes in response to the shear forces was
predicted to be simple sliding for both orientations. Interestingly, the simulations do
not predict rolling of the horizontally arranged carbon nanotubes even when they
are aligned with each other in two-layer and three-layer structures. Instead, at low
compressive forces, illustrated in Fig. 13.69, the nanotube bundles slide as a single
unit, and at high compressive forces, also illustrated in Fig. 13.69, the deformed
carbon nanotubes closest to the topmost moving diamond surface start to slide in
a motion reminiscent of the movement of a tank or bulldozer wheel belt. However,
when these moving carbon nanotube atoms would have turned the first corner at the
top of the ellipse, they encounter the neighboring nanotube and cannot slide past it.
This causes them to deform even further, form cross-links with one another, and,
in some cases, move in the reverse direction to the sliding motion of the diamond
surface. This causes the large oscillations in the normal and lateral forces plotted in
Fig. 13.69.
The responses of the horizontally arranged carbon nanotubes are substantially
different from the responses of the vertically arranged nanotubes at high compres-
sion, as can be seen by comparing Figs. 13.69 and 13.70. The vertical, capped car-
bon nanotubes are quite flexible and bend and buckle in response to applied forces.
As the buckle is forming, the normal force decreases then stabilizes in the buck-
led structure, as illustrated in Fig. 13.70. As the topmost diamond surface slides,
the buckled nanotubes swing around the buckle “neck” which helps dissipate the
applied stresses. For this reason, the magnitudes of the lateral forces are not signifi-