710 Susan B. Sinnott et al.
mechanical energy stored in long-chains can be converted into thermal energy by
Self-Assembled Structures
There have been numerous experimental studies of friction on SAMs on solid sur-
faceswith AFM and FFM.The experimentalresults revealrelationshipsamongelas-
tic compliance, topography and friction on thin LB films [235]. For example, they
have detected differences in the adhesive interactions between the microscope tips
and CH
and CF
end groups[106]. Fluorocarbon domains generally exhibit higher
friction than the hydrocarbon films, which the authors attribute to the lower elastic-
ity modulusof the fluorocarbonfilms thatresults in a largercontact area betweenthe
tip and the sample [235–237]. Perry and coworkers examined the friction of alka-
nethiols terminated with −CF
and −CH
[238]. The lattice constants for both films
are similar and the films are well-ordered. The friction of the SAMs with chains that
are terminated with fluorine end groups is larger than the friction of the SAMs with
chains that are terminated with hydrogen end groups. However, the pull-off force
is similar in both systems, which implies that these end groups have similar contact
areas. The authors speculate that the larger −CF
groups interact more stronglywith
adjacent chains than the −CH
-terminated chains. Therefore, the fluorinated chains
have more modes of energy dissipation within the plane of the monolayer and, thus,
have larger friction.
Molecular disorder of the alkyl chains at the surface can also affect the fric-
tional properties of self-assembled films if the layers are not packed too closely
together [240]. Indentation can induce disorder in the chains that then compress as
the tip continues to press against them. If the tip presses hard enough, the film hard-
ens as a result of the repulsive forces between the chains. However, if the chains are
tilted, they bend or deform when the tip pushes on them in a mostly elastic fashion
that produces long lubrication lifetimes. At low contact loads of about 10
N, wear
usually occurs at defect sites, such as steps. Wear can also occur if there are strong
adhesive forces between the film and the surface [241].
The friction of model SAMs composed of alkane chains was examined us-
ing MD simulations with bond-order and LJ potentials by Mikulski and Harri-
son [239, 242]. These simulations show that periodicities observed in a number of
system quantities are the result of the synchronized motion of the chains when they
are in sliding contact with the diamond counterface. The tight packing of the mo-
nolayer and commensurability of the counterface are both needed to achieve syn-
chronized motion when sliding in the direction of chain tilt. The tightly packed
monolayer is composed of alkane chains attached to diamond (111) in the (2×2) ar-
rangementand the loosely packedsystem has approximately30% fewer chains. The
average friction at lowloads is similar in boththe tightly and looselypacked systems
at low loads. Increasing the load, however, causes the tightly packed monolayer to
have significantly lower friction than the loosely packed monolayer (Fig. 13.56).
While the movement of chains is somewhat restricted in both systems, the tightly
packed monolayer under high loads is more constrained with respect to the move-