674 Susan B. Sinnott et al.
have lower yield strengths of 30kbar. The simulations thus show how the predicted
yield strength of silicon at the nanometer scale depends on structure, rate of defor-
mation, and surface temperature.
Interestingly, Kallman et al. [141] found that amorphous silicon does not crys-
tallize upon indentation, but indentation of crystalline silicon at temperatures near
the melting point transforms the surface structure near the indenter to the amor-
phous phase. The simulations do not predict transformation to the β-Sn structure
under any of the conditions considered. These results agree with the outcomes of
scratching experiments [144] that showed that amorphous silicon emerges from
room-temperature scratching of crystalline silicon.
Kaxiras and coworkers revisited the silicon nanoindentation issue using a quasi-
continuum model that couples interatomic forces from the Stillinger–Weber poten-
tial to a finite element grid [145]. They report good agreement between simulated
loading curves and experiment provided that the curves are scaled by the indenter
size. Rather than the β-Sn structure, however, atomic displacements suggest for-
mation of a metallic structure with fivefold coordination below the indenter upon
loading, and a residual simple cubic phase near the indentation site after the load is
released rather than the mix of high-pressure phases characterized experimentally.
Smith et al. attribute this discrepancy to shortcomings of the Stillinger–Weber po-
tential in adequately describing the high-pressure phases of silicon. They also used
a simple model for changes in electrical resistivity with loading involving contribu-
tions from both a Schottky barrier and spreading resistance. Simulated resistance-
versus-loading curves agree well with experiment despite possible discrepancies
between the high-pressure phases under the indenter,suggesting that the salient fea-
tures of the experiment are not dependent on the details of the high-pressure phases
Additional MD simulations of the indentation of silicon were carried out by
Cheong and Zhang [146]. Their simulations provide further details about the phase
transformations that occur in silicon as a result of nanoindentation. In particular,
they find that the diamond cubic silicon is transformed into a body-centered tetrag-
onal structure (β-Si) upon loading of the indenter, as illustrated in Fig. 13.12. Fig-
ure 13.13 shows that the coordination numbers of silicon atoms also coincide with
that of the theoreticalβ-Si structure. The body-centeredtetragonal structure is trans-
formed into amorphous silicon during the unloading stage. A second indentation
simulation again predicted that that this is a reversible process. Atomistic simulat-
ions by Sanz-Navarro et al. [147] shows the relation between the indentation of
silicon and the hydrostatic pressure on surface cells due to the nanoindentation, as
illustrated in Fig. 13.14. These simulations further predict that the transformation
of diamond silicon into the β-Si structure can occur if the hydrostatic pressure is
somewhat over 12GPa.
Multimillion atom simulations of the indentation of silicon nitride were recently
carried out by Walsh et al. [148]. The elastic modulus and hardness of the surface
was calculated using load–displacement relationships. Snapshots from the simu-
lations, illustrated in Fig. 13.15, show that pile-up occurs on the surface along the