13 Computer Simulations of Nanometer-Scale Indentation and Friction 663
of the atoms are sufficiently chaotic, ergodicity is guaranteed and the performance
of the Nosé–Hoover thermostat is satisfactory [25].
In an alternative approach, Schall et al. recently introduced a hybrid continuum-
atomistic thermostat[98]. In thismethod,an MD system is dividedinto grid regions,
and the average kinetic energy in the atomistic simulation is used to define a tem-
perature for each region. A continuum heat transfer equation is then solved stepwise
on the grid using a finite difference approximation, and the velocities of the atoms
in each grid region are scaled to match the solution of the continuum equation. To
help account for a time lag in the transfer of kinetic to potential energy, Hoover
constraining forces are added to those from the interatomic potential. This process
is continued, leading to an ad hoc feedback between the continuum and atomistic
simulations. The main advantage of this approach is that the experimental thermal
diffusivitycan beused in thecontinuumexpression,leadingto heattransfer behavior
that matches experimental data. For example, in metals the majority of the thermal
properties at room temperature arise from electronic degrees of freedom that are
neglected with strictly classical potentials. This thermostat is relatively straightfor-
ward to implement, and requires only the interatomic potential and the bulk thermal
diffusivity as input. It is also appropriate for nonequilibrium heat transfer, such as
occurs as heat is dissipated from sliding surfaces moving at high relative velocities.
Cushman et al. [99, 100] developed a unique alternative to the grand canon-
ical ensemble by performing a series of grand canonical Monte Carlo simulat-
ions [48,101] at various points along a hypothetical sliding trajectory. The results
from these simulations are then used to calculate the correct particle numbers at
a fixed chemical potential, which are then used as inputs to nonsliding, constant-
NVE MD simulations at each of the chosen trajectory points. The sliding speed can
be assumed to be infinitely slow because the system is fully equilibrated at each step
along the sliding trajectory. This approach offers a useful alternative to continuous
MD simulations that are restricted to sliding speeds that are orders of magnitude
larger than most experimental studies (about 1m/s or greater).
To summarize, this section provides a brief review and description of compo-
nents that are used in atomistic, molecular dynamics simulation of many of the pro-
cesses related to friction, such as indentation, sliding, and wear. The components
discussed here include the potential energy expression used to calculate energies
and forces in the simulations, periodic boundary conditions and thermostats. Each
of these components has their own strengths and weaknesses that should be well-
understood both prior to their use and in the interpretation of results. For example,
general principles related to liquid lubrication in confined areas may be most easily
understood and generalized from simulations that use pair potentials and may not
require a thermostat. On the other hand, if one wants to study the wear or indenta-
tion of a surface of a particular metal, then EAM or other semiempirical potentials,
together with a thermostat, would be expected to yield more reliable results. If one
requires information on electronic effects, ab initio or semi-empirical approaches
that include the evaluation of electronic degrees of freedom must be used. Thus, the
best combination of components for a particular study depends on the chemical na-