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a priori, (12.1) can be used to calculate the contact area, A, and, hence, you have
at a depth δ
. Repeating this procedure for a range of depths will give
a numerical version of the function A
). Then, it is simply a case of fitting (12.15)
to the numerical data. If the hardness, H, is known and not a function of depth, and
the calibration specimen was fully plastic during testing, then essentially the same
approach could be used but based on (12.12). Situations where a constant H is used
to calibrate the tip are extremely rare.
In addition to the tip shape function, the machine compliance must be calibrated.
Basic Newtonian mechanics tells us that for the tip to be pushed into a surface the
tip must be pushing off of another body. During nanoindentation testing the other
body is the machine frame. As a result, during a nanoindentation test it is not just
the sample, but the machine frame that is being loaded. Consequently, a very small
elastic deformation of the machine frame contributes to the total stiffness obtained
from the unloading curve. The machine frame is usually very stiff, > 10
N/m, so
the effect is only important at relatively large loads.
To calibrate the machine frame stiffness or compliance, large nanoindentations
are made in a soft material such as aluminum with a known, isotropic elastic modu-
lus. For very deep nanoindentations made with a Berkovich pyramid, the contact
area, A
), can be reasonably approximated to 24.5δ
, thus (12.1) can be used to
find the expected contact stiffness for the material. Any difference between the ex-
pected value of S and the value measured from the unloading curve will be due to
the compliance of the machine frame. Performing a number of deep nanoindenta-
tions enables an accurate value for the machine frame compliance to be obtained.
Currently, because of its ready availability and predictable mechanical proper-
ties, the most popular calibration material is fused silica (E = 72GPa, ν = 0.17),
though aluminum is still used occasionally.
12.3.6 Modifications to the Analysis
Since the development of the analysis routines in the early 1990s, it has become
apparent that the standard analysis of nanoindentation data is not applicable in all
situations, usually because errors occur in the calculated contact depth or contact
area. Pharr et al. [61–64] have used finite element modeling (FEM) to help under-
stand and overcome the limitations of the standard analysis. Two important sources
of errors have been identified in this way. The first is residual stress at the sample
surface. The second is the change in the shape of nanoindents after elastic recovery.
The effect of residual stresses at a surface on the indentationpropertieshas been
the subjectof debatefor manyyears [65–67]. The perceivedeffect wasthat compres-
sive stresses increased hardness, while tensile stresses decreased hardness. Using
FEM it is possible to model a pointed nanoindenter being pushed into a model ma-
terial that is in residual tension or compression. An FEM model of nanoindentation
into aluminumalloy 8009 [61] has confirmed earlier experimentalobservations [68]
indicating that the contact area calculated from the unloading curve is incorrect if
there are residual stresses. In the FEM model of an aluminum alloy the mechanical
behavior of the material is modeled using a stress-strain curve, whichresembles that